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Midnight's Trusted Application
Ingame Name: AlmostMidnight, Medianoche, Skulky

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173747978

Time Played: 1224 hours via in-game

When First Joined: December 16th, 2017.

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Approximately 9:30AM-12:00AM (CDT)

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor 

What can you do to help the community?: Basically, I wanted to able to forceswap players who are switching teams or in Spectator when there's no staff online or help out. In addition, I can also able to use basic Trusted commands (i.e. Teleportation, gag, mute, etc.)

Why do you want to help the community?: I've been here since I first joined and interested on helping individuals. And I'm aware about other staff's having to do school work or jobs in general, I am prepared to assist.

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): I've been given a ban 12-hours in the past for abusing unstuck. (Thread doesn't exist).

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): (1st application):
(2nd application):

(3rd application):

How did you find us?: When I first started Garry's Mod, I was really interested in joining Prop Hunt servers, thus I found this particular server for its high number of players (at the time).

Other: I was quite disappointed to see other individuals attack one another in my previous staff application. I would be highly appreciated if you keep your opinion to yourself. This thread is about me becoming whether or not a staff.

Edit: Added previous usernames. (be using them rarely)
I’d be cool if you can list your previous names on here, cause I know you’ve changed it before.

I’m leaning toward +1.

You’re extremely helpful and when you’re on you’re my go-to donor if I need help and there’s no staff on. Although you don’t talk much, you have extreme authority and respect toward others when you do talk. You also have knowledge of the rules, reminding me what the staff guidelines were when I first got staff.
[Image: Garry_s-Mod-4_27_2019-3_48_35-PM_Trim-_2_.gif]
+0 because there were a lot of issues with you kinda recent and in the past (which I will probably list later on) and I don’t know if they will pop up again if you get staff. Please list previous names you’ve had in the past and if you were banned please list the reason and who banned you. (This is all I have to say right now. There will be more to say after this)
[Image: giphy.gif]
I'm going to say a -1 this time.

Since your last application you have told me who to gag/mute even if I was currently handling the situation. Every now and then staff have to tell you to make yourself more visible because you have most of yourself glitched inside a wall or corner.

There have been several issues that have taken place that did not have to become rules or issues of concern until you spammed the living heck out of them. Examples I immediately think of is spamming crates for some reason even though you already have everything which resulted in lagging or even crashing the server and then the whole kill bind issue so that you could have a better chance of winning on the overall map even though you are by far ranked #1 on Gametracker so the fact that it became an issue and that you did it every time you were found I thought was ridiculous.

You are on a lot which is nice and most of the time cause no trouble but I have seen anything that shows you want to help the server but to only make the game easier and less stressful for yourself. I'm sorry if this appears rash in any way but they are subjects that need brought up that I did not see in your last application that were issues then or since that time. Thank you for reminding people to keep there ideas and thoughts on you instead of lashing out on each other.

You no longer spam crates and I haven't seen you kill bind lately but I want to see if any other issues arise before giving you a +1 in the future.
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

Important Memes                                                Make sure to make the day.                       
Matt is Matt
Monke Resign 
Staffing in 2021 
Fish Fun
Travis Army
"What can you do to help the community?: Basically, I wanted to able to forceswap players who are switching teams or in Spectator when there's no staff online or help out. In addition, I can also able to use basic Trusted commands (i.e. Teleportation, gag, mute, etc.)"
This makes it look like you're applying just for more power beyond donor. 

Many times the spots you've used have come into question, and on many occasions you've been asked to be more visable. I do not believe you're ready to become Trusted.

-1 from me
I'm going to -1 this as yes you do help when no staff is on, but I have to agree with Voss on his statement regarding your answer to the "What can you do to help the community?" and there's been times where I've attempted to help maintain the server when I ask someone to go back to their og team. You'll cut in and take over when I'm attempting to handle it and I've had another donor tell me you didn't like that they were trying to help maintain the server when staff isn't on. To be staff you need to work as a team and should be getting mad at another member for helping.
[Image: e2d.jpg]
I have to agree with the points Fish/Voss/Happy made on your app. Some of the things that they mention are pretty concerning. You do show initiative which is nice, but there are things that can be worked on to improve. For now I will -1 this.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
-1 For reasons already stated by Fish and Voss as well as my own reason and that is that you seemed to have changed a bit since your last app got denied you didn't help almost at all for awhile until you put in this trusted application and that just seems petty and childish to me, I don't want staff to be petty and childish on server or anywhere else just because they didn't get what they wanted.
[Image: I_dont_think_so.png]
Your staff app has been Denied at this time. You may apply again on 11/30/18.
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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.