chat, what am i looking at here?
- Welcome To Dinkleberg's GMod
- TTT > PH > Murder > DR
- What ever happened to Jesse the Alive Cowboy?
- Norm Minder:
- Dink said no
- Welcome to EpicGuy's TTT
- Nuru is 5'rage"
- Push the Possum
- Free caribou
- Bryan go brrrrr
- Nicol bows to Gabe
- Hacker in PH
- Did rand win
- Fuck murph lets shit
- Caribou's hand is raised!
- Goodnight chaos!
- Lol dr is dead
- Poop Maniac: You have a big dick, and are very important. So I implore you, Mr. Strongrule—
- Chaos's real name is Jenna.
- Has anyone seen GCubed?
- Are we picking our own teams
- Cope mald seethe
- SoBroMelts: So I eat them slays. Mmm delish.
- Ted's shoutbox message was NOT edited.
- Forums is LITERALLY 1984.
Shoutbox archive
Women Want Me Fish Fear Me Men Turn Their Eyes Away From Me As I Walk No Beast Dares Make A Sound In My Presence I Am Alone On This Barren Earth.
back in my day if we wanted to remote play wed pretend a rock controlled the tellyl!!!
Poor? I was poor once. They gave me a limited allowance of 1500$. 1500$ for non-necessities. And what I want to buy is too expensive. That makes me Poor.
Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Rats. And Rats Make Me Crazy