You've made your point, you dont like the upper staff, you dont like the way they do things. You think they're a bunch of nazis
- Welcome To Dinkleberg's GMod
- TTT > PH > Murder > DR
- What ever happened to Jesse the Alive Cowboy?
- Norm Minder:
- Dink said no
- Welcome to EpicGuy's TTT
- Nuru is 5'rage"
- Push the Possum
- Free caribou
- Bryan go brrrrr
- Nicol bows to Gabe
- Hacker in PH
- Did rand win
- Fuck murph lets shit
- Caribou's hand is raised!
- Goodnight chaos!
- Lol dr is dead
- Poop Maniac: You have a big dick, and are very important. So I implore you, Mr. Strongrule—
- Chaos's real name is Jenna.
- Has anyone seen GCubed?
- Are we picking our own teams
- Cope mald seethe
- SoBroMelts: So I eat them slays. Mmm delish.
- Ted's shoutbox message was NOT edited.
- Forums is LITERALLY 1984.
Shoutbox archive
Youre acting like an obnoxious 7 year old little brother. I can only imagine youre using the forums and the server community to throw your little fits because you CERTAINLY wouldnt run your mouth this much IRL without risk of some 5th grader kicking your teeth in
Hey yo Russ it was funny the first 60 times you tried to bust the staffs balls with your shitty trolling and nit picking over every little thing they do but now that its gone on for like two weeks maybe you should take the hint.
"Newest members" section is lookin good tonight boys :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: