damn you locked a thread about censorship
- Welcome To Dinkleberg's GMod
- TTT > PH > Murder > DR
- What ever happened to Jesse the Alive Cowboy?
- Norm Minder:
- Dink said no
- Welcome to EpicGuy's TTT
- Nuru is 5'rage"
- Push the Possum
- Free caribou
- Bryan go brrrrr
- Nicol bows to Gabe
- Hacker in PH
- Did rand win
- Fuck murph lets shit
- Caribou's hand is raised!
- Goodnight chaos!
- Lol dr is dead
- Poop Maniac: You have a big dick, and are very important. So I implore you, Mr. Strongrule—
- Chaos's real name is Jenna.
- Has anyone seen GCubed?
- Are we picking our own teams
- Cope mald seethe
- SoBroMelts: So I eat them slays. Mmm delish.
- Ted's shoutbox message was NOT edited.
- Forums is LITERALLY 1984.
Shoutbox archive
didn't say anything for like 15 minutes but if you want to start it back up again be my guest tbh
It's not about unpopular opinions. People carry on like insecent 8yr old trolls and don't know when it's time to stop.
fucking christ yall are still going on about this.. holy shit it has been 3 hours.. just drop it
damn... almost like some other big men i know who have been banned for similar things recently...
do you think the big man up top is gonna see it that way scoovie
damn... sounds like my lad mushrooms didn't really do anything wrong tbh
mushrooms was banned awhile ago for having an opinion so he made 4th life that Rippe and other staff hate