So now arguing your case is a dick move?
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Continuing about something which is a forgone conclusion isn't going to help you case, neither is being a dick about it.
yeah hit me up on steam if you want to contact the anti bullying hotline, i'm glad to assist at any point lads
can't just allow this flagrant power tripping to continue tbh
scoovies not running away, he didnt mean to start an argument with you 4, so hes leaving so avoid esculating it
Its funny how ingame, you say literally nothing to us, but on your little secret discord you talk shit about us all the time, if you generally have a problem with the way we act, why not talk to us about it? or are you too afraid or just to petty to do that?
yeah we got banned for a week for a rule that wasn't very clear in the motd, how is that an issue?
yeah i'm sure it's easy for the official staff circlejerk to just eat up whatever you tell them about us
do i need to remind you about that little teaming thing that happened the first week you were unbanned