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actually we do enforce it now stop with your passive aggressive shit
so it's considered exploiting because the server runs poorly? sorry mate i didn't realize that was our fault
"a long time ago" you just updated rules about useless PC BS that you don't even enforce. Maybe you should've added that part as well mate.
didn't even go beyond the render distance tbh and i don't think anybody would because there's no indication as to where the kill plane thing starts so if you went too low by accident you'd just fuck yourself over
That video was on his own private server that doesn't have 32 players on and shitload of shitty addons that causes the server to shit itself.
The conversation is over, it was deemed an exploit along time ago, stop or you're all getting temp, and yes that means you to russ
Exactly, many other staff have taken places and said "lol c4 can get em" but with this "lol the thing that allows you to get a clean shot on him down there easy" Nah illegal, too lazy to enforce people going below the render distance
chris, did you watch the video russ posted? the helicopter is fine, also there are tons of maps with spots you can only die by C4 on, nobody calls them exploiting, it's your responsiblity as a traitor to have a credit to deal with stuff like that, if you don't have one, tough luck but it's your fault mate
You even stated that the kill barrier is out of render, yet there are many other places down there that are legal, its like closing an entire city park because one tree is fallen in the middle of a grass field, its dumb.
yeah i could completely and utterly understand if browsing was hanging low enough so that players couldn't see him, that would definitely be exploiting, but the picture posted in the thread proves he wasn't doing that
Lethargy and biased opinions are much easier, russ.
It's all banned because we're not even gonna give anyone the chance to hide down there.
Ok sometimes Ts dont have enough creds and cant send manhacks or buy an awp and even if u have an awp the choper is shaky and makes it hard to aim
If only far below the actual ship is illegal, then why are the parts you can actually be seen and shot at, such as the part where browsing was, illegal? Are staff too lazy to freecam to about the same level as the ships bottom to see if they can be seen at all?
if you can give me a legitimate reason that i agree with i'll drop it instantly but so far all you've done is spout opinions and irrelevant stuff
what does that even mean? why does that suddenly invalidate the fact that you can just shoot the person with an awp or use manhacks or something?
:3 o3o ;-; :3
It's an exploit because the kill barrier is like 2000 feet below the ship. Which is out of render distance for players, even in the helicopter. So the Admins said the entire area is an exploit. There is your reason. Now drop it. All of you.
he fully went out of his way, above and beyond the call of duty to prove you wrong and you're just ignoring his FACTUAL EVIDENCE and telling me to shut up because "it's exploiting lol" AGAIN
are you going to punish russ too because he's literally doing the same thing as me

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