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Bing, Google, Yandex, 茶 Tea, Damien, Im A Bald Eagle

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Fried Chicken
by 茶 Tea
1 hour ago
TTT Staff List
by TDawg4
1 hour ago
trusted application
by TDawg4
1 hour ago
you can Trusted meow
by rosacetus
6 hours ago
Missing Your Rank?
by XNDRX (Carlos)
9 hours ago
Music suggestions?
11 hours ago
Ban Request Menvy
by Ryan
12-02-2024, 11:52 AM
Ban Request - GottaGoBoom
by Ryan
12-02-2024, 11:51 AM

  [TTT] Removal of Community Items
Posted by: bryanbrr - 01-13-2023, 09:49 PM - Forum: News and Announcements - No Replies

Hey everyone!

As you know, a few months ago we introduced community items into TTT. It was great to have many of you submit items that we could add to the server as it added a ton of customization to new items. As we have found out though this causes initial lag on load in as it needs to download the models. Nicol and I have decided that we will be removing our community items from Pointshop. 

Players who have purchased community items will have until January 28th, 2023 to sell their items to recoup points before removal.

Thank you for all who participated!

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  [Discord] Admin Update & Discord Renovations
Posted by: Jammin - 12-31-2022, 01:03 AM - Forum: News and Announcements - Replies (19)

Hello everyone,

First, I am pleased to announce the addition of @reina to the Discord Admin team! Moving forward, she and @KaptainLes will be guiding the discord team into the new year, as I am stepping down once the discord renovations are completed.

We are pleased to announce an upcoming renovation to the main discord, including new moderation bots, new channels, and a better setup to handle tournaments and events.
We are finalizing things within our staff team for now, and plan to renovate the discord on Saturday, January 7th, 2023. The discord will be unavailable for part of the day as we are making significant changes.

Please congratulate Reina on her well-earned promotion!

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  [Discord] Rep Bot
Posted by: Jammin - 11-20-2022, 06:46 PM - Forum: News and Announcements - Replies (7)

After many months of development, testing, and me not having time to add it, we have added a Reputation bot to the discord.

Credit goes to @GCubed (GCubed#4280 on discord) for creating and hosting the bot for us!

The bot will track how many individual messages by a certain user gets a +1 or a -1 as a reaction. It will then track the individual's reputation via this method.

This is not meant to be as serious as forum rep, so please don't treat it as such. It's meant to be a fun way to see discord engagement, with the recognition that unlike the forums, the discord is 97% shitposting.


Bot commands:
!rep - view your reputation score
!rep <ID> - view someone else's reputation score (e.g. !rep 714501143379574794)
!leaderboard - view the top 10 reputation leaders!

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About Us
    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.