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Ryan72Test Mod? - Printable Version

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Ryan72Test Mod? - Ryan722 - 09-26-2022

Ingame Name: Ryan722

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58210359
Discord Tag: Ryan722#0964

Time Played: ~210 hours (1w, 1d, 19hrs)+
[Image: OnTBy8-mNySm2b5Y0iAhvxB7h9YUa-WBnkSAGUfr...2zBRZD1wYA]

When First Joined: 7/22/22

    Timezone: US East (EST/EDT)
    Weekdays: Evenings/Nights, 7PM and later (sometimes all day if I WFH)
    Weekends: All day

Rank Desired: Test Mod

Current Rank: Trusted

What can you do to help the community:
    As I mentioned in my last application, I have a lot of past experience enforcing rules for and maintaining gaming communities, and I feel the time since I received Trusted has served to reinforce my experience and understanding of the expectations of a staff member here. In the last month or so, I've become even more acquainted with the rules and guidelines, and better able to recognize malice vs. a bit of harmless fun (especially important amongst the depraved TTT community). I’m quick and persistent about handling reports and dealing with spam/slurs, etc, and know how to make a ban request with proper evidence.

    On top of gaining better familiarity with the existing rules and guidelines, I've made it a point since I joined staff to actively seek out ways to improve these aspects of the server. If I feel a rule/guideline is unclear or in need of reevaluating, I advocate for that change to the staff to see about fixing it. If I feel a player has been wrongfully punished or a situation hasn't been handled well, I feel comfortable bringing that up to the relevant staff member to better understand the circumstances. I’m an active participant on the server, forums, Discord, and in staff discussions, all of which I’m hoping have inspired some confidence in my readiness for this role.

    In addition to the aforementioned, and arguably unrelated to the responsibilities for a Trusted/Test Mod, I've been dedicating quite a bit of time to enhancing various addons for the server. This isn’t visible to many players or staff so is a bit more behind the scenes, but a significant portion of the time I spend on my PC is dedicated to working on changes and improvements for TTT addons. Regardless of the outcome of this application, I’m excited to continue improving existing and innovating new addons to make the server more fun to play on and more effective for staff. The dev team is constantly working to improve the server experience, and it’s been a real pleasure to get to play a part :) If you’d like to read about what I’ve been working on personally, there’s a link in my signature below.

Why you want to help the community:
    Not much has changed as far as my attitude towards helping the community since I applied for Trusted. If anything, having spent more time here and gotten to know more new and existing members has made me more enthusiastic about helping out. Maybe being staff on a Gmod server is for dweebs (sorry, staff), but I find it really fulfilling to get to play a part in figuring out and putting into action improvements for the server and the community. Getting to play TTT with y'all is a lot of fun, and getting to contribute to improving that experience for everyone is the cherry on top.

    As far as server commands go, I feel very comfortable using what Trusted is given (ULX, RDM manager, awarn system, etc.). The few extra commands that come with T-Mod would enable me to help out more than I’m currently able to on the server. !bring would save me from having to tell people I’m unable to teleport them when they get stuck, and karma-banning players would be a more convenient way to remove rule-breakers awaiting a longer ban from a Moderator. Also imo Trusted should get access to !getcommandtable, but having that as T-Mod would certainly help make identifying hackers easier. Especially with the increased server activity since the last update (and hopefully even greater activity once people are satisfied with the hitreg... ?), it’s important for us to have a solid, well fleshed-out staff team. As a Test Mod, I’d be better able to enforce the rules of the server, and keep malicious players and trolls from ruining the positive environment.

Have you been previously banned?: No.

Have you previously applied for staff?: 
    Trusted application 

How did you find us?: 
    Server explorer

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for the rank you are applying for?: Yes.

    I won’t post the entirety of my obnoxious “resume” like I did for my last application, but if you’d like to see it, it’s at the bottom of my last application linked above.

    Also I recognize this is toeing the line as far as eligibility goes, and that I haven't been Trusted for all that long. I'm hoping that since I became staff I've shown myself able to take on my current responsibilities and ready to take on more, but if the time thing is an issue it's no hard feelings. That said, I certainly feel comfortable managing the responsibilities of Trusted, and would be happy to help out with more.

    Please feel free to comment with any feedback. Any issues with my staffing or presence in the community haven’t been brought to my attention so far, but if any of my points from above are unbased I’m happy to hear other’s perspectives. I’m really just interested in helping out the server and the community, and any suggestions as to how I can do that better would be seriously appreciated :)

RE: Ryan72Trial Mod? - Damien1579 - 09-26-2022

I've been waiting for this one, +1.

Ryan has been one of the best things that has happened to the dink's staff team since Chibill. He's extremely talented at what he does while staffing and outside of staffing while also being genuinely fun to play with.

Couldn't think of a better person to promote rn
(besides slater, meow.)

RE: Ryan72Test Mod? - Wrom - 09-26-2022

Big fat +1 ive been back for a short time but ryan does excellent work for the staff team. He is friendly nice and helps the best he can 0 doubts about getting this man tmod good luck ryan :)

RE: Ryan72Test Mod? - voidzz - 09-26-2022

ye fine all around +1, him and chibill would make a lethal tmod duo

RE: Ryan72Test Mod? - Jammin - 09-26-2022

One of our best overall staff members today, easy +1. As a member of our dev team, Ryan is responsible for a lot of the addons that have been added to the server recently. He has my full support.

RE: Ryan72Test Mod? - slater - 09-26-2022

EASY EASY +1 and another +1 for being probably the best trusted in the server! (i think me and ryan might be tied... DON'T TAKE MY REPORTS!!!) Ryan as I know, is ceaselessly friendly, welcoming, and helpful in helping out guests, masters, regular's, donor's, and even staff members in trying to enhance the quality of TTT. As a list to make for Ryan for all the pros and cons, here they are:


1) None

Moving on!


1) Aiding in the Dev teamRyan is always bringing new and refreshing ideas to addons; Enhances addons to make staff members jobs easier while also providing new mechanics that allows other players to utilize or new concepts that will allow new players to come unto the server.

2) Very Good Staffing | Ryan also provides and enforces the rules to the best of his ability; Constantly monitors and ask questions when necessary and able to. He stays on top of making sure reports are handled (again...DON'T TAKE MY REPORTS, I AM THE REPORT MASTER!!! lolll) as well as professionally enforcing rules and posting ban appeals on the forums! He utilizes his commands and his role as Trusted as perfectly as he can. Highly recommend him in any staff as he has a good track record!

3) Welcoming, Friendly, Helpful | Thirdly, Ryan is very aiding in helping players learn the server from it's commands to rules to lastly the gameplay. Many instances I've seen have been on the server with these past 3 examples detailing but also shortening what progress he has made as Trusted to keep the reply short. He's been very friendly to me, staff, and the players in the community and it's amazing to have a wonderful/perfect person as a role model to look up to and ask questions! He is also very active in the forums + discord and is always a plus!

4) Resonance - Home | So, I will like to establish this as my first idea as I plan to do this later on but, I feel that this song represents Ryan the best way possible. This is a very biasy but I feel Ryan inspires everybody as what a staff member should be or how a low tier staff member should act. Ryan has engaged and helped many members in the community in various ways that I can't even list down and has even given stuff out to people. I get that giving stuff out doesn't apply to the application but RYAN is the man to pick for TMOD! I know Ryan will be able to be the best TMOD he can possibly be and make sure to utilize the new commands that are given in the way they are intended and hell, maybe even improve them! I support him all the way through his endeavors and I can't wait to see if you get the shiny blue plaque to your name!

That is my TED talk.

RE: Ryan72Test Mod? - lacer - 09-26-2022

Gonna go against the grain here and say that I think you need a little more time to better understand the rules. Just yesterday you told someone that if they're inno and a detective shoots them, they shouldn't shoot back.

Otherwise, you're doing fine.

RE: Ryan72Test Mod? - Ryan722 - 09-26-2022

(09-26-2022, 06:18 AM)come thru Wrote: Gonna go against the grain here and say that I think you need a little more time to better understand the rules. Just yesterday you told someone that if they're inno and a detective shoots them, they shouldn't shoot back.

Otherwise, you're doing fine.
FWIW, I did not slay for this because I recognized that this person had the right to defend themself. That being said they had just RDM'd somebody else who the detective got their DNA from, so my comment was mostly to encourage not continuing the RDM train.

But thank you for the feedback. I do feel pretty comfortable with the rules as a whole but I'm sure there are situations I have yet to come across since joining the community. I personally think I have the experience to handle even situations I haven't directly dealt with (and higher staff to bounce some questions off of), but I understand why this would concern you.

RE: Ryan72Test Mod? - SwiftBadger*No Monitor* - 09-26-2022

+1 to this. Him and chibill have been grinding hard while on together. I have seen Ryan taking huge initiative to get reports done as well as suggesting what things should be done as punishments.

RE: Ryan72Test Mod? - chibill - 09-26-2022

+1 I am all for Ryan having T Mod, he has show that he can more then handle his current responsibilities as Trusted, plus as some people pointed out in other TMod apps, its sort of a like a Trial position between Trusted and Moderator, so honestly what could go wrong.