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My reply to ckg's thread. - Printable Version

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My reply to ckg's thread. - LemonTiara - 04-26-2024

Hello. First of all, I wanna apologize to Ryan for making a thread after being denied the chance to reply to the original thread, which considering it mostly involved interactions between me and HONG, I feel like I should be able to give my two cents. (And yes chad, you didn’t “define my name” but all those chats are in the fucking dinks discord so it doesn’t take much to figure out that’s me on my old deleted account).

With that out of the way, back to the topic at hand, HONG’s behavior. I am not going dive into those past comments, as possibly most of those were made around the time we were what you’d consider “friends/friendly”. Did I use to say I disliked him making those comments about “hating women” and anything about “latinos” ? yeah, but that never got anywhere and I can’t speak more on it because honestly, that’s about all I remember. I’ve tried to forget about all the toxicity I’ve experienced in this place

Having said this, he has had the same attitude towards me recently, before getting banned again. 
Since I came back to dinks in January, anytime I was on the server with HONG, he’d be making snarky comments towards/about me. I asked him several times to cut it, to stop talking shit, etc, and nothing. Only on 3/14, when an admin was on, saw this happening and warned him, did he stop. So me asking him on several instances, over the course of a little over a month, wasn’t enough to make him stop.

As seen here, and here (For those who may not believe those were one after the other)

Here’s some messages sent to a private discord in relation to the specific incident I mentioned above.

Also, on a couple instances, when he would make a comment and another player friends of his was on, I’d pm them about it asking if I’d done something or what was going on that he was acting this way, and they even offered to tell him to tune it down, but I asked them not to because it’d solve nothing

Those screenshots of messages Saylor posted, with the “latinx” shit, was not only about me, but it was after I asked someone else to stop calling me that. And I am seen saying that using latina is fine.

And, for all of those who might think “that’s just who he is, he acts like this towards everyone, etc” I do not give a single fuck. When someone asks you to stop doing something, for whatever reason, you stop, period.

I am aware that I can ignore it, that what he said will be considered “not that bad”. But just put yourself in my shoes. Anytime I played ttt he didn’t miss the chance to say something. I grew tired of it, and he simply should’ve dropped it because I asked him.

Lastly, I do not appreciate you ckg “caring enough” to not name me, but not caring enough/taking the situation lightly to and posting about it simply as a personal vendetta you’ve got against HONG/ turning around what he said about years old evidence being relevant.

Furthermore, how fucking hypocritical do you have to be to point out this behavior from HONG, when you used to be the fucking same towards me LOL!!! Anyone who was in Dong’s/Jack’s discord at the time I was in it can literally vouch for how many comments you made about me being latina, ugly, mocking my accent (laughing about not understanding what I would say in vc) and more bs that made me feel HORRIBLE.

That’s all I wanted to say. I am unsure of what will come out of this, but I hope some further action is taken.

RE: My reply to ckg's thread. - Summer - 04-26-2024

I cannot say much on this instance, due to not being active during the past actions and current actions, but based off single sided proof some other sort of actions need to be in place for this for the current and future presences of people if you want to improve this community.

Some people are okay with it, but as was stated.. if told to stop you gotta stop.

RE: My reply to ckg's thread. - Jawa - 04-26-2024

I mean at this point Hongs name has come up way too often, especially the last few weeks of dramas on the server and people not feeling safe or happy, something at this point has to happen.

Also, I find it odd/funny how some of Hongs biggest defenders are all the people who "retired" because Dinkleberg Staff won't take harassment or sexism seriously, yet right next to them is one of the worst ones for it and they either laugh it off or try downplaying it. From what I've seen, Hongs done a lot worse then some other people on the server whose been accused of sexism and harassment. 

GG Lemon, but I don't have high hopes anything will change, perhaps people from both sides can come together and stop the echo-chamber tribalism bs on this Gmod Server, but we'll see.

RE: My reply to ckg's thread. - Ckg - 04-26-2024

I would like to apologize for how I acted back then. There is no excuse for my actions, I don't exactly remember all of it but I am sure that you are correct. Those comments stemmed from an upbringing that was heavily influenced by toxic masculinity where I believed that acting like that was "normal" and ok amongst other more personal issues (mainly severe alcohol abuse) and insecurites. For that I am sorry. I know I cannot change the past, but I have been working to be better now and in the future.

That being said, I would like the push back against the statement that it was purely a personal vendetta. I have not hidden my dislike of Hong and the taste left in my mouth after his comments on Titan's post are what drove me to initially look through his old messages. As I looked through them, however, I found it harder and harder to just read them and sit by as I noticed a concerning pattern of behavior. It was difficult for me to marry the information I discovered with what I learned recently regarding his ban on TTT. That is why I chose to post that thread, since it seemed like to me some of the other people banned during the latest incident had received harsher punishment for much less.

I did not believe that I came across as treating the situation lightly, as that is not what I was trying to do. I obviously missed the mark on that and for that I am sorry. I am not perfect and I went about it by responding in the way I believed was appropriate.

RE: My reply to ckg's thread. - dong - 04-26-2024

Dudes name is too close to mine +1

RE: My reply to ckg's thread. - August - 04-26-2024

I barely know anything about Hong, but like Jawa said I've seen his name come up waaaay too often. Aside from all the evidence people have posted recently, I also noticed the other day he was shooting down every comment supporting Hoy, and even Hoy herself on that thread. It appears like if you say anything bad about Hong or his friends, he's going to shit on you for it which is... really just high school level stupid IMO. If I can notice that as someone who's barely around and not even a TTT player, then I can only imagine what TTT staff and players have seen, and I'm also concerned as to why it's only coming up with this level of seriousness now after everything else that's been going on the last few weeks.

I'm so sorry that you've had to deal with all that you have, Lemon. I've seen you suffer through randoms hitting you with bs like that, but a regular who used to be a moderator even, that's bullshit and uncalled for. You don't deserve that, never have. Hong's behavior is a habitual problem and need serious addressing, more than just a month long ban based on the pattern of evidence provided. He's shown through just this thread alone that this behavior has shown no signs of stopping any time soon.

EDIT: Quick fix for Hoy's proper pronouns. So sorry about that. <3

RE: My reply to ckg's thread. - chelllman - 04-26-2024

I can understand people dismissing evidence from 2-3 years ago, but it's very clear that the pattern established 2-3 years ago still exists today given the screenshots provided by Lemon and Saylor. Racism should never be hand-waved or excused, and no one should be made to feel uncomfortable because of their race in this community. I'll keep saying it until I'm blue in the face, but the guidelines for racism outside of prophunt are too lax. Permanent bans should be given quicker for racism, and the time for a warning for racism to expire should be at least 6 months or longer from the most recent offense.

You can't claim to want to make the community a safer place and defend HONG when he's deliberately being racist towards minorities in the community.

RE: My reply to ckg's thread. - HONG - 04-26-2024

(04-26-2024, 02:38 PM)Ckg Wrote: That being said, I would like the push back against the statement that it was purely a personal vendetta. I have not hidden my dislike of Hong and the taste left in my mouth after his comments on Titan's post are what drove me to initially look through his old messages.
This isn't really true since during the drama on the 11th while you came back solely to defend Jack and Battons you were also sore enough to go through my message and forum history trying to get a rise out of myself and others; since you have such a recent history of defending weird behavior through retaliation it's pretty hard to trust this, as you originally displayed that you weren't really interested in discerning the truth, just in defacing and attacking others.
[Image: image.png?ex=662d6947&is=662c17c7&hm=ca9...a3c3f032d&][Image: image.png?ex=662d658b&is=662c140b&hm=1ef...94893fd1e&]

(04-26-2024, 03:22 PM)August Wrote: I barely know anything about Hong, but like Jawa said I've seen his name come up waaaay too often. Aside from all the evidence people have posted recently, I also noticed the other day he was shooting down every comment supporting Hoy, and even Hoy herself on that thread.
The title of the thread was a very poor choice and as a result many of the people supported the villainizing of Reina, resulting in her being harassed and leaving the community. Several people there used lifting someone up as a means and excuse to disparage someone else, and there's nothing about that I want to support. You are correct about one thing though, you barely know anything about me

There's really nothing else from me that needs saying since there's a good reason that I'm 4 points away from a permanent ban on TTT right now as Saylor said

RE: My reply to ckg's thread. - Jawa - 04-26-2024

You've said nothing about Lemon, you've said nothing about what you've done, nor your behaviour to other people both past and present, you've not said sorry or shown any sort of regret, you've instead tried going after others and bringing up Reina when she has nothing to do with this.

You have wanted more serious punishment for other people on this server who've done Far Less harassment, sexist/racist shit then Yourself. 

You need time away from the server, its just not getting through to you what you're like for other people, and you seem to care so much about how others are acting when you are behaving worse.

RE: My reply to ckg's thread. - cameron - 04-26-2024

(04-26-2024, 04:38 PM)Jawa Wrote: -snip yapping-

You need time away from the server, its just not getting through to you what you're like for other people, and you seem to care so much about how others are acting when you are behaving worse.

Agreed! The admins should give him a 4 week ban and put him a few points away from a perma ban! Oh wait.. I think they already did that..