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T-Admin4 - Printable Version

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T-Admin4 - TDawg4 - 06-24-2024

Steam/Forum Name: TDawg4

Discord ID: tdawg4

Hours Played: 1357~

When did you first join the TTT Staff Team?: February of 2017 then a year break from August 2019 to September 2020. 

What do you plan to do as a TTT Admin?:

The easy answer is that I will fill the role and do a great and unbiased job on staff applications, unban requests, and all other adminly decisions. I think I am capable of doing this part pretty well. The bigger question and what at the end of the day drives the server fundamentals is “Content.” TTT is an old game and giving opportunities for players to add dimensions to their experience is extremely important. This improvement can take various forms and in general the server fundamentals are good. However, the stack of ttt-suggestions is very large and our current admin team has a lot on their plate. Even small quality of life changes that take a lower level of effort I think would be super impactful. 

Adding new content can be hard. I worked on a dark rp server way back in 2017 and have done a variety of custom modded mc servers. Things don't work the way you expect them to and you have to go back and rework them all the while making sure that the balance of the server is not completely broken. A new model or new T weapon can become very frustrating for other players very quickly if not implemented well. The area I want to focus on is bringing over content that is already on the test server and just needs more time/QA put into it. There are a variety of changes that can be made including maps that should only take minor adjustments or just spam messaging Dink. 

The easier part for me as I already said is the policy/communication side. Part of improving this is making our rules a bit easier to understand for new players. Among the malicious guests who only come on to slur and rdm there are some who join from other communities only to be greeted with warn points when they make an edgy joke that would have been allowed on their previous server. Oftentimes the response to a warn is “where is that in the rules.” I can somewhat understand where this comes from. And just saying read the !motd is not enough. Currently, in the motd the only way to see some of the behavior rules is to click through to the staff guidelines. There is a link in the motd, but it just says that “Note that the punishments for these offenses are listed in the staff guidelines” there is not an indication that extended and specific behavioral expectations are over there compared to the motd. I think in general the gameplay rules are fine, but giving players the opportunity to make the right decision in how they act is something that I think is important    

This is a specific example, but is just that an example. It hopefully highlights the type of things I want to do as TTT Admin

How can you help the community beyond TTT as an Admin?: 

I think for most TTT players and staff (at least I hope) I am seen as someone you can go to and get my mostly fair thoughts on something. I am willing and have discussed in-depth issues of rules with guests or fellow staff members in the same way. This would also carry over to the community as a whole. I rarely pull back and refuse to engage and have a really high tolerance for that kind of conversation. When discussing things with people I do my best not to just hype up a side but push first to make sure the person understands all of the context before moving on to finding a suitable resolution. 

I did apply for forum mod relatively recently https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/showthread.php?tid=19455, and the things I said there still hold true. 99% of the interactions I have in this community are overwhelmingly positive. I do not think anything needs to be fixed in the community and many of the issues that crop up are just the natural result of the space. These issues can and should be mitigated but I would be surprised if they were ever eliminated. The goal then for me is to support our members the best I can whether it be on server or other spaces as well as holding them accountable when needed. Being engaged and communicative with more of the community allows for issues to be resolved sooner reducing the overall damage.

 The big question that most people consider outside of new content is the “community vote” This was a big part of the responses of some of the recent admin apps. These votes are the issues of all three servers and discord. I believe that my engagement in TTT staff discussion and my overall interactions and behavior in the community speak for how I both would vote as well as my process to get to the positions I have. A valid concern for an admin of any server is their ability to make decisions that impact the rest of the community and not just their respective server. I do make myself available in the main discord voice pretty often (even if I dont type too much in there). I talk to and interact with staff from other servers (and discord) pretty often. The only area I dont have much insight to is murder. I do reach out to staff from other areas (forum, discord, ph) when I catch something early or when staff aren’t available. All this to say that I am present and interact with the community as a whole, not just the TTT niche.  

What made you decide to apply?:

As a wise admin once said “three admins is the ideal amount” or perhaps it should be five. Either way I have been considering an admin app since I applied for forum mod. I think that I have a skillset that fits the role well, especially on the community engagement side. I feel comfortable reaching out to pretty much anyone including pestering dinkleberg. This eliminated some of my concern connected to bringing new content as we do have talented people in the community that know much more that I can turn to when I run into an issue. 

Anything else you would like to add?:

If elected admin I will replace Summer Mansion with Winter Mansion; this is non-negotiable. (I will also delete Icey’s wins) 

RE: T-Admin4 - slater - 06-24-2024

+1 for the big dawg. We do need more content on the server since it's lacking quite a bit on that aspect. Some of the changes outside the server have been helpful, but it feels very neglected on the server with small minor updates. Besides that, TDawg definitely has a unbiased perspective on any matter to try to take on both sides of whatever comes his way and tries to meet in the middle to solve whatever may be going on. I think having a 3rd admin for working on the server aspect is very ideal currently and having another unbiased opinion on changes/situations will definitely aid the admin team.

RE: T-Admin4 - chapman - 06-24-2024

I absolutely love this man.

TDawg4 is one of my favorite staff members to interact with because he is someone who always tries to approach things from a place of reason. This man has been through everything, so I know he's going to be a solid leader for the team.


RE: T-Admin4 - dong - 06-24-2024

Bro just pulled up like Muzan last episode. +1 for admin. You’ve been one of the best staff members we have had. Always consistent and fair, is able to see both sides to things, and has proposed great ideas time and time again. I’m so happy to see how far you’ve come after getting test mod reinstated (don’t forget about me when you become famous). I think if given the rank it will only benefit the community. Tdawg has been around for ages and knows how things function.

RE: T-Admin4 - voidzz - 06-24-2024

+1, neutral body who will bring unbiased opinions and hopefully server content as promised
only thing is editing motd could make it 20 miles long and people still argue "not in motd" anyways which is just a garbage excuse

RE: T-Admin4 - TDawg4 - 06-24-2024

(06-24-2024, 09:55 AM)voidzz Wrote: +1, neutral body who will bring unbiased opinions and hopefully server content as promised
only thing is editing motd could make it 20 miles long and people still argue "not in motd" anyways which is just a garbage excuse
Agreed. I just want to do a small section that points better to the staff guidelines and includes some short phrases about general behavioral expectations because that is what is violated the most.

RE: T-Admin4 - EpicGuy - 06-24-2024

I do not care about content at all. If it were up to me, the server wouldn't have 90+% of the content it has on it. So admins working/focusing on content does not sway my opinion one bit. I care more about how an admin would administer a server.

That being said, I think that TDawg would make a terrific admin. TDawg is one of the best staff members, if not the best, we currently have and is definitely one of the best staff members this server has ever had. I have no doubt in my mind that TDawg cares deeply for this community and will do what he wrote and be impartial, fair, just, reasonable, personable, friendly, and use common sense and good judgement at all times. These are the attributes you want in an admin and I know that TDawg not only possesses them, but will use them wisely.

RE: T-Admin4 - Foxka - 06-24-2024

+1 with the departure of Icey, we are sorely lacking in an admin that can be a good public face for the server, and I think tdawg fits that bill perfectly

RE: T-Admin4 - ⚡Nash - 06-24-2024

I agree with Foxka. With Icey taking a step back Tdawg could fill that role. I really look for an admin like Chibill that help out with bringing new things to keep the server fresh.

RE: T-Admin4 - PandaInPants - 06-24-2024

-1 idk who this TDawg4 guy is maybe if he were TDawg tho...