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being harassed by a test mod - Printable Version

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RE: being harassed by a test mod - Dildo Shwaggins - 01-22-2020

(01-22-2020, 09:24 PM)Laced Xanax Wrote: [Image: ec7092903547f942f568cdbf5b868589.png]

I seriously hope you go through with this just so I can see the ass beating you'd take in court.

You cannot be positively identified in real life by your Steam name nor your SteamID unless your Steam name is your first and last name, in which case you likely have the mental capacity of a pile of bricks. 

Your profile picture, unless your face is contained in it, also can't be used to personally identify you, and neither can the gameplay provided.

What you could probably do is own up to your ghosting and subsequent hissy fit over being caught, although I doubt it would do you much good at this point.

edit: Also, you do not need anybody's permission to record them on a Garry's Mod server. I thought that was kind of common sense, considering all of the videos of people hacking and being toxic that appear on these forums. Should they take it to court too?

Also I feel like a GMod server is under the same laws as a public place, which means no legal expectation of privacy. As fun as an ass beating would be, it would unfortunately just be a judge and every lawyer ever not wasting their time with someone mad they were caught breaking the non legally binding rules on a game that's almost two decades old

RE: being harassed by a test mod - TheUltraFish - 01-23-2020

Alright, so it does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Your abuse report against Abdel has been proven false seeing as how you were caught ghosting by 3 different people at least.

Now to the other items of concerns. You deliberately lied in this abuse report which was shown with overwhelming evidence. You and your friends went out of their way to harass and threaten another player. Seeing as how both you and pika were involved in these threats and harassment you have won the big prize of an extended ban. Your ban is being increased from 2 weeks for ghosting, to a whole month starting now for ghosting, lying in an abuse report, and harassing/threatening a player. Congratulations.