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Words and their implications - Printable Version

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RE: Words and their implications - lacer - 02-10-2024

(02-10-2024, 04:21 PM)Antisemetic Goose Wrote:
(02-10-2024, 04:16 PM)Foxka Wrote: snip
Having antisemetic in my name is not being antisemetic towards others. The idea of anti-Semitism is not descripting towards others
if i were to call tiefling a lesbian, could she not bring me into the forums for homophobia? in a negative connotation
You're correct that having something in your name does not make you that thing. After all, Foxka is not a fox (allegedly). However, you're missing the point that people are uncomfortable with the idea of antisemitism and would rather not see that when they hop on the server. 

Also, calling tiefling lesbian a lesbian would just be....awful. Please don't do that.

RE: Words and their implications - chapman - 02-10-2024

I want you to be a Friendly Jewish Goose, not a threatening Antisemitic one!! We need to avoid negative connotation so that way we don't unintentionally offend others and help in promoting a safe, welcoming environment for Dinkleberg's TTT | Fast Downloads | Staff Needed and Dinkleberg Incorporated.

Thank you for voicing your concerns.

RE: Words and their implications - aaaa - 02-10-2024

Shut the fuck up lmao

RE: Words and their implications - RyanHighman - 02-10-2024

(02-10-2024, 03:17 PM)Antisemetic Goose Wrote: if you are going to enforce the rules based on implications then the word "nigga" should also be removed
one step at a time

RE: Words and their implications - TDawg4 - 02-10-2024

Even ignoring all the other good arguments; from a consistency standpoint the name does not make sense to be allowed under current rules. Forcing a change here would be making a step toward consistent application. I cannot think of an analogous name that would be allowed.

Someone could argue that there should be some carve outs made in the rules for racist/bigoted jokes as long as there aren't complaints, but even in this case it seems like the name is making people uncomfortable so this is a moot point.

At the end of the day everyone calls Goose... well Goose making the name change is not even that much of an imposition.

The comparison being made to tiefling lesbian also does not follow as nothing in the name is attacking or joking about hate against another group. The analogy you are looking for would be a name like "homophobic lesbian" or something with a slur replaced with lesbian to be comparable. Under the same standard

In my opinion, the idea or terms for "anti-semitism" have not been reclaimed in a way that is relevant to other issues like the soft a. I feel the least strongly about this and could be moved.

I think there should be an addition or rule change for clarity, and I would assume that one will be forthcoming as our admins fully settle the issue. That rule change staff probably needs to do a better job enforcing on server. I know that I sometimes miss things for a variety of reasons one of them being that it used to be allowed.

Something to remember is that we have new admins and part of their job is to sometimes make and enforce new rules when relevant to do so even if some people don't like it. You should expect some things to change, and if you disagree, respectfully make a post about it.

RE: Words and their implications - thaye - 02-10-2024

We don't judge the soft n word under the implications it had in the 1960s, we do however judge "anti-Semitic" with the implications it has now.

RE: Words and their implications - Wrom - 02-10-2024

Its a game guys just play for fun

RE: Words and their implications - Dildo Shwaggins - 02-10-2024

Dummy Thicc Noodle Lady
(02-10-2024, 03:53 PM)Antisemetic Goose Wrote:
(02-10-2024, 03:51 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote:
(02-10-2024, 03:39 PM)Antisemetic Goose Wrote: I am uncomfortable with others displaying their sexuality, i have not said anything before, but if i were to have others inside the community say the same, would you have to change your name or is it only towards religion. this isn't an attack on your personally, but i am asking if a group feels as though displaying sexuality shouldn't be allowed would the staff team also discuss that as well.
You know as well as I do that that could not be more of a false equivalence. You are not displaying your religion, you are using antisemitism as a punchline, and it makes others uncomfortable. If your name was "Jewish Goose", there would be no problem.

(02-10-2024, 03:31 PM)Antisemetic Goose Wrote: Should i also change my profile picture because of the "fuck the jews" right above the goose because it will make others uncomfortable.
Yes, you should.
How many jewish people are on the server? Speaking as a jew

Speaking as a Jew. I am a Jew. Yes, the "Antisemitic" part of your name is offensive. Our rules as a community, and even as staff members has changed drastically over the years. The world and its views has changed over the years. Some have changed for the better and others for the worse, but saying that just because you are a Jew gives you special privileges to call yourself "Antisemitic" and make jokes against Jews is like a Caucasian calling themselves a cracker, or other terms. The same goes for others of other ethnicities. As a Jew, I still wouldn't say antisemitic jokes or make fun of the Holocaust, or the religion, etc.

My response: 

This pretty much nails it. I would say the “cracker” example isn’t the best example as it’s a primarily America-based server where Caucasians are not marginalized for being white, but to not detract too much from the main point, the antisemitic part can be considered marginalizing to marginalized people which is why it’s an issue as shown here. And people coming to this server nowadays I feel are coming here because we want to keep an environment that isn’t constantly ragging on marginalized people, which is still pretty rampant in a lot of large gaming communities 

Fixed formatting best I can since screwed up

RE: Words and their implications - BillyBob - 02-10-2024

i feel safe now, thank you....

RE: Words and their implications - bunniey - 02-10-2024

Goose. If your name were to be "Transphobic Goose" that implies that you are transphobic, and wearing it like a badge on your sleeve to be proud of. This goes the same for your name. So if someone gets on and sees that name and sees that it's allowed, and they're part of that group, it is likely to drive them away because it makes it seem like the server is fine with that, which is what we don't want. You might think it's just thought-policing or some leftist woke stuff, as you and a few others have a tendency to bring up...and bring up...and bring up...and bring up.......and bring up, but it's really just about making sure everyone is having a decent experience. You can still easily have fun on server without that name, but it can be legitimately bothersome to those apart of that group to the point where it affects their ability to have fun knowing it's allowed.