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Brahma Hate thread - Printable Version

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RE: Brahma Hate thread - Misstie6731 - 06-09-2024

(06-08-2024, 11:02 PM)茶 Tea Wrote:
p.s. not to be too passive aggressive but it's weird how some of u will support people unresigning when they're your friends but when they disagree too hard suddenly you can't stand the concept! for the record i have no problem with unresignations unless there's been issues with them staffing but either support it or don't!
No one is "disagreeing" with the concept of unresignation. There just should be a process for it. I don't think you should be able to resign, then be mod again. I think they need to go bback through the trenches to prove they are actually ready to come back to staff if that makes sense. I think others here who are showing disagreement are probably in the same boat. but to jump right back in at mod seems a little too rushed. 

I think tmod would be ok for him to apply for since he was a mod prior to the resignation.

RE: Brahma Hate thread - 茶 Tea - 06-09-2024

(06-09-2024, 02:12 AM)Misstie6731 Wrote:
(06-08-2024, 11:02 PM)茶 Tea Wrote:
p.s. not to be too passive aggressive but it's weird how some of u will support people unresigning when they're your friends but when they disagree too hard suddenly you can't stand the concept! for the record i have no problem with unresignations unless there's been issues with them staffing but either support it or don't!
No one is "disagreeing" with the concept of unresignation. There just should be a process for it. I don't think you should be able to resign, then be mod again. I think they need to go bback through the trenches to prove they are actually ready to come back to staff if that makes sense. I think others here who are showing disagreement are probably in the same boat. but to jump right back in at mod seems a little too rushed. 

I think tmod would be ok for him to apply for since he was a mod prior to the resignation.
wasn't talking abt u

RE: Brahma Hate thread - Misstie6731 - 06-09-2024

(06-09-2024, 03:10 AM)茶 Tea Wrote:
(06-09-2024, 02:12 AM)Misstie6731 Wrote:
(06-08-2024, 11:02 PM)茶 Tea Wrote:
p.s. not to be too passive aggressive but it's weird how some of u will support people unresigning when they're your friends but when they disagree too hard suddenly you can't stand the concept! for the record i have no problem with unresignations unless there's been issues with them staffing but either support it or don't!
No one is "disagreeing" with the concept of unresignation. There just should be a process for it. I don't think you should be able to resign, then be mod again. I think they need to go bback through the trenches to prove they are actually ready to come back to staff if that makes sense. I think others here who are showing disagreement are probably in the same boat. but to jump right back in at mod seems a little too rushed. 

I think tmod would be ok for him to apply for since he was a mod prior to the resignation.
wasn't talking abt u
i also was not talking about just me :)
literally the main reason people are -1 is to +1 him going as tmod. Most don't have a problem with him being staff again, just cant jump straight to mod.

RE: Brahma Hate thread - voidzz - 06-09-2024

-1 unless you start from trusted, then easy +1

i think unresigning is a stupid concept and shouldnt be allowed esp if the tenure wasnt that long (includes ryanhighman). you were a fine staff member but tmod and mod jumps after this long off is eh

RE: Brahma Hate thread - brother roach - 06-09-2024

I don't like what I've seen in regards to the information provided in this thread, it comes off as someone wanting renewed authority, but now with a vague axe to grind. Not saying there's malicious intent here, but this all reads with a slight objective tint.

At the very least, if that's ignored and we abide the experience, in the name of fairness you should be started off at trusted again and work your way up. Prove you still have the overt interest in the responsibility, and that should go for anyone in the position of "unresigning".

RE: Brahma Hate thread - 茶 Tea - 06-09-2024

(06-09-2024, 03:12 PM)brother roach Wrote: -1.
I don't like what I've seen in regards to the information provided in this thread, it comes off as someone wanting renewed authority, but now with a vague axe to grind. Not saying there's malicious intent here, but this all reads with a slight objective tint.

At the very least, if that's ignored and we abide the experience, in the name of fairness you should be started off at trusted again and work your way up. Prove you still have the overt interest in the responsibility, and that should go for anyone in the position of "unresigning".
i dont want to spend too much more time on this app but idk if u were here for the reina drama and i want to say that in context, he was absolutely right to say that! nothing against fasda in particular but the way she was being treated was not ok!

RE: Brahma Hate thread - bryanbrr - 06-09-2024

@PandaInPants can you explain more about why you made the comment you did to Fasda? What is your message supposed to mean? From the surface, it looks like you are roasting Fasda for having an opinion around former admins circumventing the rules. I would appreciate more clarity as I am curious.

RE: Brahma Hate thread - PandaInPants - 06-09-2024

(06-09-2024, 04:10 PM)bryanbrr Wrote: @PandaInPants can you explain more about why you made the comment you did to Fasda? What is your message supposed to mean? From the surface, it looks like you are roasting Fasda for having an opinion around former admins circumventing the rules. I would appreciate more clarity as I am curious.
My message was an insult. My message was supposed to be an insult. I am roasting another person for their opinion that I disagreed with. Idk thread closing precedent but the web admin opened a thread closed by a different admin. Idk what else to say really.
The insult was straight up calling him a neanderthal, I use this insult pretty commonly tbh. I was heated in April with many others. If anything I said was that bad I would have been reprimanded like others from that time.

I really didnt think me being a bit of an ass was this big of a thing people would get hung up on. Im kinda confused why this is such an important detail when there have been many staff (that you approved) that are blatantly racist/homophobic/assholes on a daily basis. If we are finally cleaning up our expectations for staff then thats news for me lets go kick out the current bad eggs. In this app and my last im being nitpicked on something pretty small in the grand scheme of staffing. If u have a genuine concern with things I have an actual history of doing and not just an unconcerning side comment here or there thats what I would like to be judged on thank you.

RE: Brahma Hate thread - coco - 06-09-2024

based on ur responses here... especially the one above,,, fat -1 for mod!! idrc about trusted tho. "i should be allowed to be an ass because other people are bigger asses sometimes" is a weird hill to die on.. good luck tho

RE: Brahma Hate thread - PandaInPants - 06-09-2024

(06-09-2024, 07:08 PM)coco Wrote: based on ur responses here... especially the one above,,, fat -1 for mod!! idrc about trusted tho.  "i should be allowed to be an ass because other people are bigger asses sometimes" is a weird hill to die on.. good luck tho
Im not dying on the hill of "i should be able to be an ass" im dying on the hill that I am being nitpicked for very insignificant actions.