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voidzz trusted round 3 - Printable Version

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RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - Foxka - 06-20-2024

(06-20-2024, 11:03 AM)voidzz Wrote: buump

RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - brother roach - 06-20-2024

(06-20-2024, 11:03 AM)voidzz Wrote: buump
I was going to do this but I didn't know if there was a rule against it.

RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - slater - 06-21-2024

give this man trusted already

RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - Jawa - 06-21-2024

+1 i am not a racism

RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - RyanHighman - 06-26-2024

bump, again

I think you're great to play with and be around. Some of the jokes made arent entirely something you'd want in staff, but they arent deal breakers either. They're just different.

Your activity and rule knowledge are A-tier. You have a net positive influence on the community/server aura, and should get a shot at another tenure as staff.


RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - Brahma - 06-26-2024

-1 mf called me fat :/

RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - Foxka - 06-26-2024

+1 brahma Is fat

RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - Noire ♜ - 06-26-2024

i'll throw the admins in a void(zz) if you don't get trusted


RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - OctoKid - 06-26-2024

+1 you killed me rdm me a lot in innocent motel

RE: voidzz trusted round 3 - grif - 06-26-2024

fukit if u want to be tortured its ur call +1