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Prop tier list - Printable Version

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RE: Prop tier list - QuantumEdge - 07-18-2024

[quote pid="161340" dateline="1721244058"]
(07-17-2024, 01:07 PM)Icey Wrote: is this the big update
This took months if careful planning and execution. Show some respect to your superiors. Smh.

Superiors? Icey has an actual job (in real life) fym “superior”

RE: Prop tier list - 茶 Tea - 07-18-2024

where is the lifesaver thing from ttt_cruise

RE: Prop tier list - tiefling lesbian - 07-18-2024

(07-18-2024, 03:41 AM)茶 Tea Wrote: where is the lifesaver thing from ttt_cruise
any prop that instantly decelerates

RE: Prop tier list - bryanbrr - 07-18-2024

Nothing is more satisfying that a melon prop kill. The way it explodes on impact, priceless.

The second best feeling is prop killing with an explosive barrel and you are able to kill someone and the barrel not explode.

RE: Prop tier list - Tronald - 07-18-2024

cries in prop hunt

RE: Prop tier list - bryanbrr - 07-18-2024

Prop hunt players be like: soda can

RE: Prop tier list - ⚡Nash - 07-18-2024

The bananas on community pool hit like a truck.

RE: Prop tier list - gods least loved angle (69°) - 07-18-2024

Explosive barrel in S+ as an experienced propkiller can use them as a regular barrel when they want, and as an explosive barrel when they want, High skill ceiling, but the versatility is perfect.

Large office chair as in leather, and the nearly same size on is small, or is there another small one I'm not thinking of? Leather reigns supreme, pitch black ones are a grade below.

I think microwaves can get better velocity than barrels, imo, so the size is worth it.

Blue plastic barrels are ass.

Tiny barrel isn't limited to erverton, it's just a closely guarded secret elsewhere (it wasn't even supposed to get out on erverton >:I)

Watermelons are the most fun, plankton and burger are some of my favs along with the radio on butt clown is my alltime favorite. I love tiny props they're fun, S in entertainment, just bad in prop fights as you can't block and need precision, but killing unsuspecting nerds........

RE: Prop tier list - chelllman - 07-18-2024

Vending machine is S tier. Just look at my pfp.

RE: Prop tier list - Super Milk Chan - 07-19-2024

I was not expecting to see the name tiefling lesbian when I clicked on a post called "Prop tier list"