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Why lovecraft was divinely inspired and how roanoke went missing - Printable Version

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Why lovecraft was divinely inspired and how roanoke went missing - thaye - 11-13-2021

Ok so hear me out.

During the early years of the English settlement of America, a colony's entire populace went missing without a trace, this was the Lost Colony of Roanoke.
Most theorize that the inhabitants were captured or killed by native Americans; the dare stone confirmed this... or so they think.

You see in the original Dare Stone, the only one that has any semblance of being actually written by Eleanor Dare, doesn't outright name the Native Americans as the perpetrators.
Since it wasn't the natives, who could it be? It is obviously the Mi-Go.

The Mi-Go are a species that Lovecraft decribed in The Whisperer in The Dark. The are an alien species not composed of any material naturally found on earth, though their biology is most similar to fungi. Whats important about the is their tendencies regarding human life. You see the Mi-Go don't like being in humanities spotlight so they most often avoid us unless a human piques their interest for a number of reasons (why we dont see them today). If a human gains the interest of the Mi-Go, they will surgically extract their brain and place it into a container so they can transport it to their base of operations Yuggoth (what we know as pluto). One of the sure fire ways a human can gain become a target for capture by the Mi-Go is obtaining knowledge of an alien word or symbol used in worship of Hastur.

After establishing this we can explain what happened to Roanoke. A local witch at the colony obtained knowledge of an Alien word used in worship of Hastur (what was carved at the gate), the Mi-Go captured them then took them to Yuggoth. Dare made a bargain with the Mi-Go in exchange for transporting the stone to earth, she would include instructions for Governor White (someone with power would surely knows more sacred alien words) to reward the "savage" (Mi-Go) who delivers the stone to them, obviously with the words of worship.

RE: Why lovecraft was divinely inspired and how roanoke went missing - Kostok - 11-13-2021

No I don't agree

RE: Why lovecraft was divinely inspired and how roanoke went missing - Deer-ly - 11-13-2021

I don't get it

RE: Why lovecraft was divinely inspired and how roanoke went missing - conversion software version 7.0 - 11-13-2021

don't google his cats name

RE: Why lovecraft was divinely inspired and how roanoke went missing - RussEfarmer - 11-13-2021

uhuh uhuh huhuh uhuhu uhuhuh yeah yeah yeah yeanh io agree with this post _1_1-!_!-!-1-1!_ \!_ 01 _--_-+1 i found btyhenbutton\ :)


RE: Why lovecraft was divinely inspired and how roanoke went missing - thaye - 11-13-2021

(11-13-2021, 02:06 AM)Milly-Miyazaki` Wrote: I don't get it
you'll need to smoke some lovecraft weed to understand
[Image: Cannabis_Cthulhu.jpg]