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hispanic ladys trusted ap - Printable Version

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hispanic ladys trusted ap - Jawa - 06-21-2024

Name: Jawa (formerly known as Jar-Jar Binks)

SteamID: [insert later]

Time Played: 1000+ hours

When First Joined: Oct 2022

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone):  2 pm.to 9 pm CDT

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community: Try to recruit more players for Mr Dinks, which helps the server as a whole, fight the good fight against toxcitiy or other evil tings, slay RDMers, bannish trolls, all that good stuff.

Why you want to help the community: I am a Dinkleshill and therefore enjoy seeing the server in a drama/toxic free enviroment. Also when I'm on earlier most staff are at work or busy.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): Yeah twice once for a day and one that was terminated mid-ban.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): Nah

How did you find us?: On Gmod, trying to find a server that wasn't too serious but wasn't too toxic.

Other: No matter the outcome of this app. The feedback is much appreciated and taken seriously!

RE: hispanic ladys trusted ap - LemonTiara - 06-21-2024

(06-21-2024, 09:42 PM)Jawa Wrote: - much text -
tldr but +1

RE: hispanic ladys trusted ap - cherry (2) - 06-21-2024


RE: hispanic ladys trusted ap - Dildo Shwaggins - 06-21-2024

awa awa +1

Ok for an actual reason you’ve handled situations well as of late and you do well in game. I see no issue giving you a shot at trusted

RE: hispanic ladys trusted ap - PandaInPants - 06-21-2024


see @Viviel?!? 's post for more information

RE: hispanic ladys trusted ap - voidzz - 06-22-2024

+1, jawa has been around a long time and knows the rules and also relatively stays out of all the big drama stuff, would bring a great level head when it comes to staffing

RE: hispanic ladys trusted ap - Foxka - 06-22-2024

(06-21-2024, 10:35 PM)PandaInPants Wrote: -1
Please give reasons for your comment as per the requirements for posting on staff apps.

Jawa ily but you make too many jokes thay skirt the line between being warned. Other than that I don't see any glaring issues but if you truly want to join the staff team you gotta make less offensive jokes.

-1 for now from me

RE: hispanic ladys trusted ap - ⚡Nash - 06-22-2024


Jawa has alot of playtime on the server and is familiar with the rules of the server. I can vouch for him. Very big plus is that his timezone is very beneficial as not many people are available whenever he is.

RE: hispanic ladys trusted ap - Vivie Some-Bones (They) - 06-22-2024

-1, havent heard you slur in a while, but ive only been in the community for roughly a year so its wild ive heard / read you slurring at all. 

you tend to go on vaguely racist / queerphobic / misogynist / antisemetic tangents where you walk a thin line for the purpose of trolling. A scroll through your messages in the discord will show that plainly.

RE: hispanic ladys trusted ap - slater - 06-22-2024

Right now, I just don't think you're ready my man. You're decently chill and I haven't had issues with you, but just your tendency to have some weird jokes pushing against the grain doesn't really fit well. I'm sure you can at least try to work on it no doubt, but currently, I'm at a -1 rn.