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Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - Printable Version

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Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - RyanHighman - 07-11-2024

Whenever I run someone's ban history and I see that they have a ban on prophunt for hacking, I always think that it is so silly that they are still allowed to play on TTT and visa versa.

We should change this so that hacking bans are global across our game servers.

RE: Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - Dinomoto - 07-11-2024

Wait what, it's not global? That's ridiculous. Why would you give hackers another chance to hack?

RE: Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - Brahma - 07-11-2024

My opinion on the matter is that we don't have to all server ban one person for hacking on one of the servers,it doesn't automatically mean they'll hack on the others and tbh there are people who learn their lesson after one ban and don't do it again.

I prefer the way it is now just always keeping an eye on the person who was banned on the other servers and if they fuck up with hacks just ban them, it doesn't take much time or effort to do it , this is just my opinion.

RE: Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - RyanHighman - 07-11-2024

(07-11-2024, 01:26 PM)Brahma Wrote: My opinion on the matter is that we don't have to all server ban one person for hacking on one of the servers,it doesn't automatically mean they'll hack on the others and tbh there are people who learn their lesson after one ban and don't do it again.

I prefer the way it is now just always keeping an eye on the person who was banned on the other servers and if they fuck up with hacks just ban them, it doesn't take much time or effort to do it , this just my opinion.
We debated on this for a bit so Ill post my counter-argument, too.

When someone hacks, I dont think of them as hacking in PH or TTT, I view them as hacking in the Dinkleberg Community. Hacking bans in most other games ban you from all game servers. There is a reason for that: Hacking is fundamentally the most unfair and egregious thing you can do in a videogame. I dont see why we should even offer a second chance to someone who has already ruined the experience in one of our servers.

RE: Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - tiefling lesbian - 07-11-2024

-1 for one simple reason and that is that i don't want to open the ph staff discord

RE: Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - RyanHighman - 07-11-2024

(07-11-2024, 01:42 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote: -1 for one simple reason and that is that i don't want to open the ph staff discord
Make them come to us >:)

RE: Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - Ryan722 - 07-11-2024

(07-11-2024, 01:31 PM)RyanHighman Wrote:
(07-11-2024, 01:26 PM)Brahma Wrote: My opinion on the matter is that we don't have to all server ban one person for hacking on one of the servers,it doesn't automatically mean they'll hack on the others and tbh there are people who learn their lesson after one ban and don't do it again.

I prefer the way it is now just always keeping an eye on the person who was banned on the other servers and if they fuck up with hacks just ban them, it doesn't take much time or effort to do it , this just my opinion.
We debated on this for a bit so Ill post my counter-argument, too.

When someone hacks, I dont think of them as hacking in PH or TTT, I view them as hacking in the Dinkleberg Community. Hacking bans in most other games ban you from all game servers. There is a reason for that: Hacking is fundamentally the most unfair and egregious thing you can do in a videogame. I dont see why we should even offer a second chance to someone who has already ruined the experience in one of our servers.
We don't do server-wide bans for racism/harassment/disgusting comments (extreme cases aside), which I consider to have a more negative impact on the server environment. If we do all-server bans for hacking, do you think we should also do it for egregious attacks on character and blatant bigotry?

RE: Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - Damien1579 - 07-11-2024

I feel like we could make a lot of our bans global, if someone does some deplorable and awful shit on one server, why should they be allowed to play on another? This could also be case by case since obviously someone who repeatedly teams on ttt isn't as bad as someone harassing someone else on ttt and going to the sister servers to just play the game. I think hacking could apply to this but I also just think that we should reserve global bans for truly awful behavior.

RE: Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - RyanHighman - 07-11-2024

(07-11-2024, 01:49 PM)Ryan722 Wrote:
(07-11-2024, 01:31 PM)RyanHighman Wrote: snip
We don't do server-wide bans for racism/harassment/disgusting comments (extreme cases aside), which I consider to have a more negative impact on the server environment. If we do all-server bans for hacking, do you think we should also do it for egregious attacks on character and blatant bigotry?
For some of our perma-bannable offenses, yes. Things like serious pedo talk, extreme harassment, confirmed ddos/intentional server crashing, and doxxing should be global bans. I do believe, tho, that these are fights for another day. If this suggestion gets passed and we can write up a procedure for cross-server bans, then we should definitely visit some of these. The reason why I wanted to tackle hacking first is because it has the highest likelihood of being transferred from one gamemode to the other, and has a better chance of running people off the server if there are no staff on.

As for racism, if you are talking about someone that comes on, spams some slurs, and gets banned, I would vote neutral on that for this reason: while deplorable, their impact on gameplay, safety, and enjoyability are relatively short lived. 95% of the time everyone moves on and forgets about the guy that slurred 2 seconds after they are banned.

RE: Suggestion: Make Hacking Bans Global - Ryan722 - 07-11-2024

(07-11-2024, 02:10 PM)RyanHighman Wrote:
(07-11-2024, 01:49 PM)Ryan722 Wrote:
(07-11-2024, 01:31 PM)RyanHighman Wrote: snip
We don't do server-wide bans for racism/harassment/disgusting comments (extreme cases aside), which I consider to have a more negative impact on the server environment. If we do all-server bans for hacking, do you think we should also do it for egregious attacks on character and blatant bigotry?
For some of our perma-bannable offenses, yes. Things like serious pedo talk, extreme harassment, confirmed ddos/intentional server crashing, and doxxing should be global bans. I do believe, tho, that these are fights for another day. If this suggestion gets passed and we can write up a procedure for cross-server bans, then we should definitely visit some of these. The reason why I wanted to tackle hacking first is because it has the highest likelihood of being transferred from one gamemode to the other, and has a better chance of running people off the server if there are no staff on.

As for racism, if you are talking about someone that comes on, spams some slurs, and gets banned, I would vote neutral on that for this reason: while deplorable, their impact on gameplay, safety, and enjoyability are relatively short lived. 95% of the time everyone moves on and forgets about the guy that slurred 2 seconds after they are banned.
I think we just have different perspectives on this, which is fine. Up to the TTT admins at the end of the day, and curious to hear what others have to say.

I'm not broadly opposed to server-wide bans for perma-bannable offenses, I think I just align more with Brahma, in that I don't think players who hack on one Dink's server are exceedingly likely to hack on another (would be interested to see empirical figures on this actually). Honestly they're probably more likely to go and hack on a different TTT server. 

As you alluded to though I do think it may be worth discussing reasons for server-wide bans more generally, hacking just wouldn't be at the top of my list personally. Severe toxicity for example could be interpreted not as toxicity on a specific server, rather toxicity in the Dinkleberg's community, to use your words.