Dinkleberg's GMod
Heck - Printable Version

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Heck - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 12-23-2017

Mass RDM

Apparently I never took a picture for this, will grab in the morning - it was 4 kills before I fspecd him at which point he replied to 3 of them with "go frick yourself"
note to self like 2-3 am round 3ish on waterworld
*I say morning as if it isn't almost 5am - later in the evening

RE: Heck - Deadpoolz - 12-23-2017

[gBan] Deadpool has banned frick - Duration: Indefinitely! (Mass RDM(via Ban request))
I can see all the reports in this screen: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/918037462610880592/B6D2693DF3F97D3D6C01EFCE40E1B5B4B0A59F6F/