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A change to map selection - Printable Version

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A change to map selection - Jerminator00 - 01-02-2018

I'm sure all of us have one map that they can't stand playing. Maybe you dislike the map itself, maybe you actually like the map but you're tired of playing on it. Either way, it's a map that almost always gets picked when it shows up in the map selection for next round. I don't expect change, but I'd like to maybe open a discussion about it.

A common complaint I've seen and one that I can both sympathize with and for the most part agree with is that most of the time it feels like the server only really plays about five different maps. Yes, this can be interpreted as meaning everyone else really favors those maps, but does it? A lot of the time during a map vote, it seems like it's not a contest of the eight maps available, but it almost always comes down to two, maybe three maps. To me, this makes it seem more like a small group of players that select first which map they want to play one take control of the vote as everyone else just votes for either one they like more, or dislike less, out of the two first picks.

Which leads me to my first suggestion: What if we lowered the amount of maps present in the map vote screen? Having eight choices doesn't seem to matter, as I've explained before it's always a decision between two or three of the maps actually in the list. The more options that need to be filled out, the more likely it is that one of the no contest maps will appear, so having less competition might mean some of the less played maps get more playtime.

Another thought that has crossed my mind is what if a map rotation was implemented, where say the two most played maps are taken out each week or so, to be put back in next week when the next two most played maps during that week are taken out in their place? It might not be popular, it might not even be feasible, I don't know. I'm just putting it out there as a possibility.

The point is that ultimately, I want to prevent map fatigue. I know there are maps I'm just plain tired of playing nearly every single time I get on the server *cough*communitypool*cough* and I've heard others voice their complaints about certain often played maps before as well. I'm also not saying I want these maps to go away permanently or anything either, I just want some variety and to let the seldom seen maps have their time to shine. Hell, I remember hearing some people suggest putting the server onto a set map rotation without a player vote, and tbh I could even get behind that at this point.

RE: A change to map selection - La Flama Blanca - 01-02-2018

Everyone votes for the first map that someone else selects.

Solution: Be the first person to select a map.

RE: A change to map selection - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 01-02-2018

I don't follow your same reasoning on why we should have a shorter map pick, but I do like the idea. Having say 5 maps to pick from would mean that there are less maps generated to pick from (by definition) meaning less chance of overused maps being in the rotation. 

Now I don't agree with removing and adding maps for a few reasons, one being extra unnecessary work on the people who can access the list. The lowered selection would lower the count on its own