Dinkleberg's GMod
Ban Request: Conspiracy / Mod Not Performing Duties - Printable Version

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Ban Request: Conspiracy / Mod Not Performing Duties - dot ┐(‘~`;)┌ - 07-11-2018

Offender's Name: Conspiracy

Offender's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:158973285 / https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198278212299/

Potential Witnesses: anyone seen in the video.

Reason to Ban: blatant racism and ignoring warnings.

Other: yeah i'm transgender, when i posted that pic a while back i think some of you had guessed that but yeah. im not comfortable with my voice but my mic was on in this recording, and you might hear some breathing or whatever. sorry if it's awkward. also sorry for shitty editing.

Toaster Oven was the current moderator on, and did not issue any sort of warning or punishment, despite it happening numerous times right in front of him. i wouldn't consider this abuse but it seems like a problem that could have easily been solved if the staff member was performing their duties as they should have.

RE: Ban Request: Conspiracy / Mod Not Performing Duties - Foxka - 07-11-2018

oh look the thing he was just kicked today for, interesting

RE: Ban Request: Conspiracy / Mod Not Performing Duties - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 07-11-2018

Kicked before this or after

RE: Ban Request: Conspiracy / Mod Not Performing Duties - Deadpoolz - 07-11-2018

I banned him for a week. He was continuing to do this when staff were on. Then argued saying a kick wasn't necessary.