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Is it gay to be a trap? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Is it gay to be a trap? (/showthread.php?tid=6139)

Is it gay to be a trap? - MilkManFromMars - 11-28-2018

We established that LIKING traps is gay, but what about BEING a trap? I mean, in essence its just looking like a girl, so is it gay?

RE: Is it gay to be a trap? - lacer - 11-28-2018

you just made my eyeballs throw up

RE: Is it gay to be a trap? - cherry (2) - 11-28-2018

why are you the way that you are ????????????//

RE: Is it gay to be a trap? - Cespedes - 11-28-2018

Are you trying to tell us something

RE: Is it gay to be a trap? - Andre - 11-29-2018

Yeah I’m deaf now

RE: Is it gay to be a trap? - Hash - 11-29-2018


RE: Is it gay to be a trap? - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 11-29-2018

Well I think I’m terminal now

RE: Is it gay to be a trap? - rue (td) - 11-29-2018

-1 not enough braincells

RE: Is it gay to be a trap? - General Lee 2: Lee Harder - 12-02-2018

Where's the Autismbot, he needs a special meeting with you.

RE: Is it gay to be a trap? - dong - 12-02-2018

This is likely to screw with your brain more than taking bath salts..