Dinkleberg's GMod
Ghost Busters Part 2 The rise of the Ghost - Printable Version

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Ghost Busters Part 2 The rise of the Ghost - AzunaRiceBoy - 04-07-2019

Offender's Name: 
tinyyetti / ☆Redmonkey33☆
Offender's SteamID: 

tinyyetti - STEAM_0:1:196653281 / ☆Redmonkey33☆(STEAM_0:0:167005073)

Potential Witnesses: @ZenfulPikachu/ @Abdel 

Reason to Ban: Hacking/ Possible ghosting with deleted friend

Other: After I had Temp Banned this guy, the other left straight away - So I'm pretty sure he was the deleted friend - he was on the other team 

RE: Ghost Busters Part 2 The rise of the Ghost - Mother Nuru. - 04-07-2019

When I tried to open the videos, it tells me they're unavailable.

RE: Ghost Busters Part 2 The rise of the Ghost - [Yellow] Travis1421 - 04-07-2019


RE: Ghost Busters Part 2 The rise of the Ghost - AzunaRiceBoy - 04-07-2019

Just seen it. Youtube is playing up so I have to upload to another Video site - will give you a Eta on it

RE: Ghost Busters Part 2 The rise of the Ghost - Kina - 04-08-2019

For now, I unbanned tinyyetti due to the lack of evidence, however I'm going keep it open so you if you get your evidence working you can post it here again.
([gBan] Player Alora has unbanned tinyyetti)
his friend's ban didn't stick.