Dinkleberg's GMod
How bout those Elites - Printable Version

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How bout those Elites - Festive - 04-23-2019

Are the Dual Elites gonna be added or have they already been removed? I'd like to see a new gun added just to change somethings up

RE: How bout those Elites - Christian - 04-23-2019

They'll probably need to be tweaked, but after what happened last time I don't really see them coming back for awhile.

RE: How bout those Elites - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 04-23-2019

Been there, tried that. Not well received. They stack with 2 slot (pistols) and don’t need to

RE: How bout those Elites - rue (td) - 04-23-2019

they fucking suck anyway and the only reason trombowen got kills with them is because everyone else is bad