Confirmation Bias
name: poop MANIAC(fecal frenzy!!!!!!!!
ID: STEAM_0:1:43140995[/color]
who banned you: Banned by an Admin via Web Application
why: singing the confederate anthem with a racial slur
length of ban: 1 week
reason to unban:
Last sunday I made the unfortunate decision to get pretty deep in my cups on a work night. I was slurring (ha!) my speech all night, lots of hmngs and guhhs and mnmnmns, and because I am a drunk bastard I got a little obnoxious and sang a little. I can't recall the exact context, but I know there was one and that I wasn't just breaking out into song all willy nilly. The point being that at some point very early in the song, I mumbled and grumbled and gibbergabbered my way through lyrics that weren't coming to mind, and the tail end of that incoherent drunken babble had a superficial likeness to the word "niggas." For clarity, the official position as it has been explained to me is that the word "nigga" is not considered a slur by our staff team unless it is being used as one.

Here is a recording of the event.

If you slow down to 0.5 speed at 0:04, you can deconstruct the actual phonetics to be closer to "nake us," though again I insist it was sincerely nonsensical gibberish. This is the crux of my argument, and if you don't already believe it then I know I can't do anything to convince you. Just ignore the rest of this post.

Furthermore, the song "Dixie's Land," was never in fact the confederate anthem; it was retroactively adopted by the southern poor before secession as a sort of early pop song, but never played in any recorded official capacity by confederate army bands. Instead it was written by a midwestern yankee as a satire of southern life, then adopted by the barely-literate and dirt poor patrons of minstrel shows as a sort of party song in the confused feverdream days right leading up to the war. In fact, at Lee's surrender, it was ordered by Lincoln to be played as an act of cosmic irony to tease the general. Dixie's Land was no more the anthem of the CSA than Margaritaville is the anthem of Florida. It comes to mind as a drinking song because I grew up around banjos and fiddles, much like any barfly who came up scavenging cigarette butts from overpriced beachside grills.

I know the benefit of the doubt isn't something I'm really afforded, and that my accepted appeal over the libel that caused my last ban (I only mention this because I know it will be brought up in the comments, admin team; this is NOT harassment) happened because of a total lack of any evidence, not because anyone on the board affords me any degree of trust. But thankfully this time there is evidence, and though it may be pliant enough for the listening ear to hear what it wants to hear, I know I wasn't being racist.

previous bans: many
other: I don't expect many to care enough to read this giant deranged essay, and I expect even fewer to believe me. I know the staff team won't see things my way, and that this appeal certainly won't earn me an unban. Nothing more will be accomplished by it than to satisfy my own need to have said my piece and set the record straight. Honestly this whole ordeal really just hurts my feelings. In any case whatever you choose to do with the ban, you won't be seeing me around here any time soon. I know I'm not welcome; between the redlettermedia serial killer bit, the previously mentioned debacle that I'm not allowed to talk about, and now omens being read in my intoxicated mumbling like some hysteric greek oracle, I get the distinct impression that my presence is once again rubbing a lot of people the wrong way. Call it an act of cosmic irony.
[Image: 3b7f6tH.jpeg]

I really don't know how you are knowledgeable enough to write all of this but missed all the other information that demonstrates major issues with the song. Yes the song was written by someone from the north and was written in the north. That does not change the fact that it was intended to be used for Minstrel Shows which were meant to stereotype and demean black people with these characteristics: "dimwitted, lazy, buffoonish, cowardly, superstitious, and happy-go-lucky." Fun fact there were racism in the north during and long past the Civil War wow big surprise. Lincoln shouldn't be used as an argument for the appropriateness of the song either. In a speech in 1858 in southern Illinoi he said the following:

"I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermingling with white people"

Something to remember as we look back through history is that every great movement leader who did great things will still seem and be backward by our standards today.

A cursory search will quickly show many of these bits and pieces that make up the history of this song, and seeing how knowledgeable you are it seems you somehow forgot to include all of this in your response. Including the modern use of it. Feel free to elaborate on the full history of the song and its uses (preferably the version that you sang). Please explain why this song is appropriate to be played/sung on our server.

Anyone else reading this post you should go and read a few different articles about the song and its use over time. There is some nuance to the history especially with discussions related to the song when it was removed from Ole Miss athletic events in 2016, but today in 2024 on Dinkleberg's TTT is not the place to litigate it.

Something to keep in mind. If you ever find yourself in a place where EVERYONE else is the problem, maybe it is time for some introspection.
You may be correct, but that doesn't mean you're right.
[Image: Screen_Shot_2020-07-24_at_11.33.38_AM.jpg]
-1 play stupid games win stupid prizes
[Image: e2d.jpg]
If im being honest chief, as a fellow maldor, just take the week and appeal the warning. Drinking causes slurring so you could have believed you said the correct lyrics you probably bumbled and it a negative territory without noticing. As for the "dixie land", you are correct and was also used during the war of 1890 against the messiah war as the marching drum of many troop brigades.  Good luck bro
-1 as TDawg’s post sums it up

But seriously, every time I see you post on the forums it’s from you fucking around and finding out. Is it really that hard to enjoy the game without doing things that accumulate warn points?
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
(07-03-2024, 06:33 PM)poop MANIAC(fecal frenzy!!!!!!!! Wrote: I get the distinct impression that my presence is once again rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.
It took you like 32 bans and 428 warnings to figure this out?

Let me quote the warning from your previous ban:
"However, your overall behavior is a concern, and we expect it to improve or further warns will be given."
(I can't get quotes to work on mobile, sue me).

There is a long standing pattern of behavior here, dating way back to 2020, of you being an obnoxious dickhead.

Has it occurred to you that our people of color may have their feelings hurt when saying  hurtful things targeted towards them, just for the sake of an unfunny joke?
Has it occurred to you that our transgender community may have their feelings hurt when saying  hurtful things targeted towards them, just for the sake of an unfunny joke?
Has it occurred to you that our wonderful staff team, working for free to keep the server manageable, may have their feelings hurt when you troll about and make their job difficult, which doesn't allow them to play the game?

This has been an issue for 4 years, go seek help for your alcohol problem if you can't control yourself.
Sir the ban out, you are really really lucky you aren't perma'd from all the shit you had previously.

[Image: cYQlQ4a.gif]
Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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No need to let this drag out long enough for it to get out of hand, just about all of the relevant points needed have been made and we agree. This appeal has been denied.
[Image: gBkzZod.png]

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