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Hello again
Hello everyone. I've been gone from the server for a while, just posting an update. This is what has been happening in 2019 for me so far and why I've been off the server:
  • College - Currently enrolled in the most busy class of the entire degree program
  • Hanging out with friends and others IRL more
  • Joined a student organization on campus - just got elected to the board last week!
  • Got hired for a job for my college internship requirements - just left last week for many reasons
  • *sigh* been playing fortnite
Been kind of alone and disconnected from others the past couple weeks. I have some free time now, and it's going to be a boring summer back home at my old job in a few weeks. Hope to see some of you online soon!
Moderator on TTT
YES!!!!! Welcome back City!  Cant wait to play with you over the summer my man!
I'm always lifting, on the server and off, my gains keep me going!!

2013/14-Present (6+ years with this beautiful community!)

And Remember kids, never skip Leg Day!
WB City Hopefully we get to play with each other on TTT
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
Hai city
[Image: giphy.gif]
Welcome back City

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About Us
    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.