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TTT Upper Staff Changes
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to make a quick announcement to let people know what's going on. As of today, Scoovie will no longer be joining us as an admin. Please know this is not due to any one specific reason, and out of respect for him I do not want to go into detail on this thread, however a failure to see eye to eye on issues/controversial server decisions would be a very general reason. Scoovie has done a lot for this server in the time he has been here and I don't want to take away from that.

Second - We will finally see a real co-owner entering the scene on TTT. The main reason I have been waiting so long to give someone this role is because I've been waiting for someone that can actually help me with the entire backend of the server and genuinely co-own the server with me. Everyjuan has been taking on increasing responsibilities as his Vice President role, and now is in a perfect spot to take over as the co-owner. If any emergencies or needs arise, he should be able to help you in the same capacity that I would be able to. We will also be closely working together in figuring out performance issues on TTT and then hopefully moving into some new content updates once we can figure things out functionally. Server functionality, crashes, and hitreg be our primary focus moving forward.

This does not mean that because he is the co-owner his opinion is held higher or viewed as more valid than that of the admins. This should be a team working together to make decisions and valuing the opinion of everyone. Juan has agreed to take on 1 vote (rather than 2 votes as previous co-owners have had - this was never something I had set up) in admin voting. He will balance out the voting now that we are down 1 admin, and I will still be around to break ties.

Also something to note: I plan to keep tabs on admins activity once again. For those admins who do not maintain 10 hours per 2 weeks on the server, they will be moved to the "inactive admin" rank and will not be allowed to cast votes on apps, unban requests, etc. This is because these opinions of players should be formed by their activity on the server primarily.

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.