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The TTT News Bulletin
The TTT News Bulletin Episode 1: A New Beginning

Greetings and salutations folks,

I apologize for the corny thread name.. if anyone else has any suggestions for these new regular updates please let me know...

Halloween is quickly closing in on us, so that means it's time for some spooky updates! Before we get to that, just a few general announcements.

  1. This has been an issue for a while, but there has been a bit of a disconnect between staff and players, and we would to close that gap as much as possible. Going forward we will try our best to try to eliminate a lot of the confusion from the get-go. we want to be as honest, transparent, and approachable as possible, and I'm sure the rest of the staff feel the same way.
  2. For those that do not know already, we have a test server located at to test out some new things that could possibly be added to the server. The test server is there for the purpose of the community providing feedback and suggestions, so test away.
  3. A little over a month ago, @queef commando and I launched our prototype version of the "Committee" system in order to move away from the perception of an autocratic rule by the Admins when it comes to things like unban requests and staff apps. We have been monitoring the system and have found it to be pretty good so far. But with every prototype, you are bound to run into some kinks and issues to work out, so that is something we are going to workout to perfect the system in the coming weeks. I will also be making a more in-depth document regarding the committees so it clearly lays out its purpose, Admin oversight, internal rules for committee members, expectations, etc.

New Additions to TTT Upper Staff!

After much shuffling of upper staff and resignations of upper staff, I am pleased to announce two new additions to the TTT Admin team! We've monitored several candidates over the past few months and have chosen two individuals that exemplify everything we seek in an upper staff member. We currently do pretty well defined rules and procedures but we lack is a functional Upper Staff Team. So what we need is a strong team of Admins that can get the often stressful job done. One of my many favorite quotes comes from that of James E Baker. Mr Baker says, "law and process provide an opportunity for success, but do not guarantee results." Mr. Baker then goes on to list that leadership, culture, personality, and good luck are just as important as the law itself, which I firmly agree with and think it applies well here in choosing new Admins in regards to having good leadership, cultures, personalities, and a hint of good luck can help prevent future issues that may arise, and these two individuals have demonstrated time and time again these traits. On top of that these people are also smart, diligent, and knows how to think for themselves. These two individuals are:

both of these people have been role models to our players and lower staff members. On top of being an Admin, they will also serve in the dual capacity as a Committee Leader to provide oversight along with the other current Admins. Now that we are back to a sustainable number of Admins there should always be one that is around when others cycle in and out of activity.  

side note to those that keep pestering me to update staff list: I was waiting for this to happen and will get to it soon.
Prototype Weapons Update

Our fabulous makeshift R&D team of @Christian and formerly @Laced Xanax have been working with Dinkleberg and @Everyjuan  sparingly for the past couple months on pushing out a new weapons update aimed at finally attempting to balance weapons, which to put bluntly will never be perfectly balanced the way everyone wants. Christian already made a thread about this here so I won't type another long paragraph here. After hearing some feedback from the test server, this prototype update will be released tomorrow on the main server. if there are problems with ANY weapon please comment it on Christian's thread or tell an Admin, but there shouldn't be anything too game-breaking in a balancing update... right?

Again, this is just a prototype and more changes to to come.
Halloween Items

So this part is pretty self-explanatory. Our suggestions committee will be working towards getting some new Halloween skins/items out that can be added to our annual exclusive Halloween crate. So they have to be Halloween themed or close to it. I will be making a thread right after this for skin suggestions. Sorry @TheUltraFish, I'm copying and pasting your thread. So credit where credit is due.
General Server Performance Updates

So not promising anything here but this is something that has been haunting us for a while and we will try to fix some of the big issues here with server performance and quality. Y'all have heard this speech so many times so I'm not going to repeat myself, you know what the big issues are.
Future Plans and Conclusions

Perhaps this newsletter kinda thing can be done every month or so... depending on if anything noteworthy comes up that should be communicated. As far as future plans go, we can't predict the future but expect some more positive things to come. Happy Halloween. I apologize for any typos in here wanted to get this out quickly. I guess I will leave this thread open. Don't make me regret it. You guys know the rules... don't shitpost and all that jazz.
Wholesome thank you
I may look calm but in my mind I just killed you three times

#SMOL SQUAD 2016-forever

Nicol Bolas
Hello I am part of dumb suggestion committee with other equally dumb people. DM me anything you want the committee to look at if you're really lazy and don't like the forums.

also yeah good job gabe you get a gold star.

also I guess @Hani and @Avi get gold stars too
[Image: b_560x95.png]
As Gabe mentioned, I'll be around to make tweaks when and if they're needed. I'll be looking forward to do stuff down the line if wanted. Also big grats to Hani and Avi.
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
Thanks for the update Gabe, and yes something like this every month or quarter or whatever would be super cool.

(Also congratz @Avi and @Hani on being red now)
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves

Listen I only have two things to say tiefling lesbian your a piece of shit and tdawg you take your job way to seriously and maybe you should get out of your mom's basement and shave your 30 year neck beard if y'all need I'm staff at myraid which is 100x better than this pile of garbage so good bye and FUCK ALL OF YOU
thank u friends i will do my best  :idea:
Thanks for the update nurd and thanks everyone I look forward to seeing where things go from here ^^
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
You're welcome.

also congrats hani and avi

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.