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Near tmod app
Ingame Name: Near

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:166897640

Time Played: around 230hrs 9days and like 16 hrs 

When First Joined: around January of 2018

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): 5 days a week anytime i feel like being on. when work starts back up it'll change.

Rank Desired: Tmod

Current Rank: Trusted

What can you do to help the community: Well if promoted it gives me a wider range of abilities to help people on server and to prevent problems from staying longer than needed if mods aren't available. Examples being being able to tp people out of exploits or a situation I've had happen alot is when hackers are on and I can't punish them aside from kicking repeatedly or adding a shitload of slays onto them so they leave.(which doesn't always happen.)

Why you want to help the community: Honestly ask myself why I stick around here whenever the forums blow up and i usually end up at the same point. It's not cuz of "great hitreg and balanced guns" but because of the friends and people i enjoy playing with here. I like the game mode and the tom foolery that comes with the mode. I just want to be able to help guest, reg, and other staff alike to be able to enjoy the game with as little interruption or issues as possible (hackers and exploiters).  

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): alt on ph

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): Trusted, Tmod, but i asked for it be closed because i didn't meet 200[url=][/url]

How did you find us?: found ph first became staff there and then followed the previous co-owner and a mod to ttt with !hop cuz i didn't know what it was

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): yes was told i didn't need to fill out again when i reapplied, but it's been awhile so if they think i should again let me know   *EDIT* New one is filled out

Other: any questions ask away or dm me on discord thanks for looking and for feed back if you leave it (>.<) [color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)]NeaЯ[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)]#0001[/color][/color]
[Image: e2d.jpg]
+1, you are a very kindhearted person and great staff! Although I do not really play on the server at the same time as you, we've talked on Discord and you seem like a genuine guy!
1+ Nothing negative tbh

Active / Does his Job / Well known in other servers and he is easy to get along with. Best of luck
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
Near Application for TMOD Response: 
Ok, I think Near is an amazing guy just a quick heads up.

  • Knows policy + Enforces it.
  • Great genuine guy.
  • Handles toxicity well.
  • Active on outside (Forums and Discord)
  • Only issue I see is inconsistent time. I know you can not be active on a daily basis but it seems as if you tried to balance the days you missed and it looks overall decent!
Final Response/Concerns:
I believe you're capable of becoming TMod and most certain you only seek the best for the community. The time seems a bit janky but it's fine and understandable. +1 from me pal. Keep up the hard work and dedication. 
[Image: OGC.83a4f535e160188cc3ef3e7914124591?pid...n%2fbGQ%3d]
O̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶l̶f̶
i don't see you on much but we propably just play at different times. over all you are good staff +1
[Image: 4kcofo.jpg]thx fish[Image: Salsa_UwU.jpg]
I'm staying neutral due to inactivity, but I'd still like to comment.

I really don't have much to say except you pretty much explained how you would handle the situation if you had more power/abilities. It's been quite sometimes since you last made reports, that is something I'd like to see.
If you never seen me before, then ignore me. Just focus on your job.
If you need to know why I'm here when I don't play the server, just ask.
If you want to know why Nicol is Nicole, then its because Nicole is secretly Nicol.
+1 from me. I have never had any problems with Near, He knows the rules and enforces them well. Will make a great T-mod given the opportunity.
Before you ask "What's the DHN1 stand for?" Why does it matter? It's a little blip.
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
Hello sorry this took so long, I've been fairly busy. Your application has been accepted congratulations.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.