I was a traitor along with one living other traitor. I was with blakeman. No one saw me kill anyone or even shot a bullet. I had a silent sniper. This was on that wild west map. I was on a balcony. I did kill a player though, that's a fact. It was indeed overtime too. Homer put high sus on me for having a silent sniper because he heard a silent sniper shot. He found the body I killed but he had no proof that I killed him. He specifically said "If this body was killed by a silent sniper, kos Christiana". I was pretty sure it's not kosable, unless you guys change the rules.
How many players were alive?
8 Players
2 Traitor
6 Innos.
4 moderators + a tmod + trusted said it is kosable on overtime if you have a weapon that was used to kill someone on overtime.
2 other ones that Christian asked
So I ask them this:
So you guys are saying it's allowed to kos anyone with the same weapon that was used to kill someone on overtime? So you guys are saying it's okay to mass rdm everyone that has a same weapon, is that correct?
I want someone to clarify this rule to me. Also do not lock this thread and not answer it. I was told to ask on here, so don't be a douche either.
How many players were alive?
8 Players
2 Traitor
6 Innos.
4 moderators + a tmod + trusted said it is kosable on overtime if you have a weapon that was used to kill someone on overtime.
2 other ones that Christian asked
So I ask them this:
So you guys are saying it's allowed to kos anyone with the same weapon that was used to kill someone on overtime? So you guys are saying it's okay to mass rdm everyone that has a same weapon, is that correct?
I want someone to clarify this rule to me. Also do not lock this thread and not answer it. I was told to ask on here, so don't be a douche either.
If you never seen me before, then ignore me. Just focus on your job.
If you need to know why I'm here when I don't play the server, just ask.
If you want to know why Nicol is Nicole, then its because Nicole is secretly Nicol.