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Nicks for Trusted 2020
Ingame Name: nicks

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:164589783

Time Played: 141.65 hours on dr (im shook too)

When First Joined: Apparently I first joined in Feb of 2017 but I don't remember that, started playing on the dr server about a month back. 

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Till I get a job, literally everyday at any time except when i'm sleeping of course (don't judge I got nothing better to do). Time zone is EDT 

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular

What can you do to help the community: Help keep the community active and free of the toxic people, i.e. trolls, mic and chat spammers and whatever else I can be useful for. Also wanna help Titan out and not have to bother him all the time (hi tit)
Why you want to help the community: I've been playing on this server for maybe a bit over a month now and I really like the community (which is why I'm on here always), i've met some fun people and I'd hate to see it be ruined by any toxic people. Don't want the regulars to get tired of it and not come back :(

Have you been sponsored? (Not a requirement, more info found here): Nope

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): Nope

Have you previously applied for staff (Link Relevant Posts): Nope only recently got back to GMOD 

How did you find us?: Just came across the server when I was looking for a new gamemode to play :)

Other: I know I haven't been that active on forums and discord cause I wasn't aware of it until recently, but from now on I'll definitely be on more. I just wanna have fun and make sure everyone gets to enjoy the server as much as I do in the end. Might as well be of some use since I'm so active on the server and I pretty much sit through all the toxicity when the trolls are on *silently crying*

Hope I did this right  Blush
[Image: Ban_Dink.jpg]
I recently just started playing deathrun and I have definitely noticed that you seem to play a lot like I do when I’m on ttt. Your active which is good and I haven’t noticed any problems with you. I think you would probably make a good trusted. However I haven’t been on enough in deathrun yet to give a proper response but based on what I’ve seen so far you should be fine. Good luck in your app.
I notice that too you be on as much as me, I might apply as well because of how these toxic players more so mic spam and scream in they mics. and then laugh about it like its funny, we also need more deathrun staff its only one that is titan or  zack that gets on...
Hey Nick thanks for Applying, Let me get to my point on this App, you're active,Know how to follow the rules,Pinged staff

You have helped me a lot of times when im on telling me what's going on with the server when most don't I think you would be good as a trusted

All i suggest is the forums and discord but that's not really a Big Problem to get into

But for these reasons ill +1

Good Luck Nick!
[Image: AthleticYoungLamb-max-1mb.gif]
Hi nicks,
basically what zach said your always on, you know the rules, you really do help when you can.
i wont give a +/- 1 cause i dont play dr that much i have like 19h but you are a great friendly face to see.
good luck.
[Image: dVe5C4F.gif]
find more through my linktree | Never Forget | My emotinal support cat Green Bean 
While I don't play DR I do interact with Nicks via discord and forums. They are very active, I've never really seen them ping staff UNLESS it is 100% necessary (which is a good thing.) From what I can tell they are a very friendly and welcoming individual. They have the Penguin stamp of approval! +1 from me in terms of community involvement
+1 from me you’re on frequently and you clearly want help out in the community and make it a better place.
url=][Image: b_560x95.png][/url]
In my opinion, you've done great and help the server whenever you can (which is literally all day). You also are super active and really friendly towards everyone, especially the new and younger players. Hope it works out!
[Image: dinkleshitsignaturetiny.jpg]
Nicks would be a great addition, especially with the limited staff and how active Nicks currently is. Nicks has always enforced the rules to the extent that she's able to and makes sure to call on staff when needed. I wish Nicks the best of luck and would love to give some helpful tips in the following sentences.

First tip, binds are very useful to alert people of what they are doing wrong. An example would be by having a bind that says, "Please don't mic/chat spam!" This gives people a warning and context for what rules they may be breaking.

Second tip, always refer to the MOTD/ server rules. The punishments and, more importantly, rules are posted there for yours and everyone else's information. Be careful not to extend the boundaries of these guidelines as the severity of abusing staff commands and abilities not only compromises your own ranking, but also how often people are active. If people are getting kicked/ banned for breaking different rules it can feel like stepping on pins and needles in a server which people go to for fun. Having everyone informed is key to keeping the server an enjoyable environment.

Third tip, calm down and call on others if the situation gets out of hand. Other staff members can be your support if nobody is around for you, but first it is important to stay calm. You can't let others see your frustration or anger as that is typically the response they are wanting. If you are ever confused about what to do in a situation, then I'm sure that other staff would be more than willing to help you out. Other staff want to help and mitigate the server just as much as you will, call on them and they will help. Stay cool and you will feel cool.

I hope these tips were helpful to you. I wish you the best and will support you the best I can. My best hope is that the owner knows this great community that's been created and appreciates the hard working staff that is there. Don't overwork yourself, that goes for other staff as well. Have fun, be you, and stay frosty. Best regards

The Whale
Your average gamer
[Image: AthleticYoungLamb-max-1mb.gif]

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.