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neon green
Last reply I've really got, since I don't have anything else to add, and I doubt that will change, but I wanted to say this would literally be the textbook definition of harassment. This wasn't done "in good fun" in 2020 and I have no reason to believe it was in 2021. Me and ceebeast have had problems for a long time, and nothing I can do has stopped him. As you've all seen I did not even respond to any of his harassment in 2020 or 2021, he just continued completely unprovoked. I do believe this is an isolated incident, its been said multiple times that he hasn't done something like this before, but the problem is that he has done this. If ceebeast can prove that he can just ignore me the same way I've done him and stop harassing me every time he sees me, which has been the way it's been for years now, then I wouldn't care. But there hasn't been a single instance of that. 

Even if you want to accept the claim that it was just a joke in 2021, then he should know I don't see it that way, because of how bad the issue got in 2020 (which you've seen now). So bad that Nicol had indeed spoken to him about it. He went against what the admin had said to continue it again, knowing full well that I don't find his behavior funny. So yes, I refuse to believe it was a joke, but even if it was does it even make a difference? 

The evidence I provided will show that it was indeed incredibly targeted and persistent. You cannot simply shrug this off as "a joke" or "butting heads" because that is not how this really went and that's not how it's ever been with his behavior towards me.
The definition of harassment in case you need a refresher.
[Image: Yv7Qtzj.png]

Edit: Fixing a problem with the image
[Image: Sy6406Z.png]
I don't think the milkman situation should have an impact on ability to apply for mod as some current mods do worse more often, and even then those people are still good staff. +1 from me, he's earned it and been around long enough to know what happens if he starts some drama, we've all done it at some point
(02-03-2022, 11:23 AM)MilkManFromMars Wrote: -snip-
You can define harassment towards you however you'd like but I don't see this as harassment imo, especially without any evidence given and it being just described to us. It's definitely bringing up a subject that was already dealt with but harassment to me is completely different then what you are describing. I'm sure if ceebeast wants to comment or put in his piece about it he will but I'm not gonna pin that against him since I don't see it the same way as you do. 
I don't think one instance with a person known for baiting people should stop somebody from becoming mod. Its obviously not a continues thing and ceebeast has shown he is a good staff member throughout his entire time here. Easy plus one
Your application for the moderator position has been accepted, congratulations. 
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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