05-07-2017, 09:02 PM
Thx fozzy you were one of the first people on the server that i learned from lol. Even tho i got salty and accused you of max probably 4 or 5 times in the first few months. I now have a respect for how you quietly work, and set an example not just playing the game but also when you staff. Will always be one of my favorite players. (probs because you got me off the shitgun) and thx for finnaly getting more wins than @Scoovie. Adios Amigo
Thx fozzy you were one of the first people on the server that i learned from lol. Even tho i got salty and accused you of max probably 4 or 5 times in the first few months. I now have a respect for how you quietly work, and set an example not just playing the game but also when you staff. Will always be one of my favorite players. (probs because you got me off the shitgun) and thx for finnaly getting more wins than @Scoovie. Adios Amigo
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves