09-07-2022, 10:32 PM
- Welcome To Dinkleberg's GMod
- TTT > PH > Murder > DR
- What ever happened to Jesse the Alive Cowboy?
- Norm Minder:
- Dink said no
- Welcome to EpicGuy's TTT
- Nuru is 5'rage"
- Push the Possum
- Free caribou
- Bryan go brrrrr
- Nicol bows to Gabe
- Hacker in PH
- Did rand win
- Fuck murph lets shit
- Caribou's hand is raised!
- Goodnight chaos!
- Lol dr is dead
- Poop Maniac: You have a big dick, and are very important. So I implore you, Mr. Strongrule—
- Chaos's real name is Jenna.
- Has anyone seen GCubed?
- Are we picking our own teams
- Cope mald seethe
- SoBroMelts: So I eat them slays. Mmm delish.
- Ted's shoutbox message was NOT edited.
- Forums is LITERALLY 1984.
TTT Commands List
09-08-2022, 01:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-08-2022, 01:43 AM by slater. Edited 2 times in total.)
Command list for TTT Ranks Listed Below:
Trusted: [*]!aslay (player) (number of slays) (reason) EX: !aslay slater 1 rdm you silly billy... | Used to slay players outside of RDM Manager [*]!aslay (steam id) (number of slays) (reason) Another way to slay players | Uses steamid to slay players if offline or leave [*]!warn Warns players and displays ssers with warns and reasons of offense | Can warn people here [*]!gag (user) Users with ranks such as Donor, Trusted, TMod, Mod, Admin, Etc. can utilize this command | Prohibits users ability to VC [*]!mute (user) Same ranks apply | Prohibits user ability to type in chatbox [*]!unmute / !ungag Same ranks apply | Allows the user to utilize VC \ Chatbox again Testing Moderator: [*]All previous commands [*]!karma (user) (amount) Sets karma for user | Used to set to 0 for various reasons if player causes hitch in gameplay and is used in order to ban until Moderator gets on. | Abusing this command will prompt in a demotion [*]!bring (user) Allows user to teleport player to user | Intended to be used to bring player if stuck or outside of the map | Abusing this command will prompt in a demotion [*]!fspec (user) Forces user to spectator mode [*]!unspec (user) Forces user to join the living [*]!getcommandtable (user) Prints command table for user to the console | Some hacks will appear Moderator: [*]All previous commands [*]!ban (user) (time in minutes) (reason) Bans player for specified amount of time [*]!banid (id) (time in minutes) (reason) Bans player for specified amount of time using steamid | Used mostly for offline player or players who left [*]!unban (steamid) Only to be used if Mod makes mistake or given permission per Admin to unban from ban appeal [*]!dban Opens menu of disconnected players for the map [*]!tp (user) Teleports player to location you are viewing [*]!send (user A) (user B) Teleports player A to player B's location |
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