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Ingame Name: THAFRY

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30955800

Time Played: 435.93333 hours 

When First Joined: November 13 2022

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I play mostly at night. GMT+1h. I'm from UK though so my night is your afternoon. 

Rank Desired: Trusted 

Current Rank: Donor/Regular

What can you do to help the community?: 
I have played for a good amount of time and have come across many issues. (Especially with team switchers) which I cant do anything about at the moment. I have many friends in the community who have my back, I know how to use commands when needed, I can be online when others aren't potentially available. I have made ban requests before: -

I have pinged staff several times when things have got out of hand:-

Why do you want to help the community?: I love this server, I play it all the time and wish to give something back. I don't believe people should ever be subject to hackers ruining their fun. I have many friends in this server that look out for me an I them. Including Blu, Fofab, Harmless_Potato, gdeg, Cable Guy, Razor Supah, Mexican, Ronja, Carson and much more. I can be a bit of a sweat at times but I wont let it effect my ability to root out ghosters and team switchers, 

To counter the donor staff issue I feel trusted will give me more of a boost in my ability to counter many of the issues going on. I have read over the full list of 15 situation rules and believe a step up would be ideal. Thanks to Potato for getting in touch with me about applying. 

My introductory -

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Nopety

Have you previously applied for staff? Nopety

Do you have a way to record video or take screenshots? Yes I have OBS and SteelSeries for fast 5 min clipping. I can screenshot using the F5 function in Steam and I order my screens according to player folders. 

How did you find us?: Through the forums I believe. 

Other: No experience staffing before but i've played my part. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Yet another player who SHOULD be staff already im my opinion. Like Blu i also have witnessed Fry reinforcing rules, informing people of the rules and explaining to people why they got gagged/muted.
Fry is super nice and super helpful, but at the same time knows what they gotta do. I'm not sure how long Fry was a donor before i got onto the server for the first time, but i feel like they know the rules back to front already.
Honestly Fry is one of the people i join the server for, along with a few others, and i know that we've become pretty good friends. That being said, even though we are friends, he gagged me for the first time the other day after i made some questionable jokes in the PH VC, i deserved it obviously, but to me that shows that Fry isn't biased towards the players he knows well and that he'll enforce rules even on friends if they have to.

Fry, you'd' be a top notch staff member. +1 from me : )
[Image: 52934950296_f87b772f5e_n.jpg]
[Image: 213313.png?1683911023]

This one is obvious for me. Though you haven't staffed before, that's perfectly fine! I never staffed a server before either. We have some great people on the Prop Hunt staff team that would be more willing to help and get you trained like @Super Milk Chan, @August, @unfortunatepossum (get pinged nerd), and I am more than willing to assist in helping you too! You are neutral when assisting currently, keep this up! You ping on the Discord a lot when shit starts getting hectic. This isn't a sign of weakness either, asking for help when needed is great. You post ban requests. This is proof you know what to spot when it comes to rulebreakers. You read through the staff guidelines already. It shows you want and are willing to staff. You also went a little above and beyond in your application showing pings, ban requests, and adding your introduction. This again shows you didn't half-ass this application for lack of better words. 

All-in-all, I don't see a reason for this application to be denied one bit. I have nothing on my end that is negative towards you. It's a definite +1 from me for earning Trusted.

Good luck, and I hope to see you on the staff team soon!  :)
This one is a biiiiiig +1 for me, Thafry catches ghosters almost immediately, Mutes and gags everyone who breaks the rules, Warns teamswitchers all the time, Pings staff quite often when the server is havin a howler, Making Thafry trusted is an efficient way to remove all the baddies, Also hes very active in the server +1.
[Image: 800px-BLU_Products_Logo.jpg]
• Is a polite been.
• Helps wen they can.
• Can record.
• Has ban requests up.
• Doesn't get into trouble.
• Active on server/Discord.

I think with training they could be a helpful staff member.
Let them join the Trusted squad. +1
[Image: Qbf9TxW.jpeg]
(05-12-2023, 05:16 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: • Is a polite been.
Thats not true.
+1 yeah give them staff
[Image: image.png]

thafry a good noodle.

(thafry is a wonderful player as of now, I think even better would be to bring him in to the staff team)
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

+1 from myself. Thafry is very active in the game; has eyes like a hawk and is able to catch ghosters, hackers, and other rule breakers part of the game/community.
[Image: EtVvJkX.jpeg][Image: nvOLgbD.jpeg]
I hate it here. | 알았어 | Anak ng kamote
Find my elsewhere by clicking here!
well this has been deleted by the applicant so thats an automatic denial.

the soonest you may reapply 06/15/2023
[Image: drunk-possum.jpg]

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