01-15-2024, 10:32 PM
Steam Name: Fredrick Asswiper
Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:641257415 32 | 76561199242780558 64
Who banned you: BIIG SAD
Reason for ban: nice cheats. but unfortunately your anticheat here used to cheat as well. /shrug
Reason for Admins to unban you: I wasnt cheating
(Optional) Extra details/information:
Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:641257415 32 | 76561199242780558 64
Who banned you: BIIG SAD
Reason for ban: nice cheats. but unfortunately your anticheat here used to cheat as well. /shrug
Reason for Admins to unban you: I wasnt cheating
(Optional) Extra details/information: