05-07-2018, 03:49 PM
Follow this format copy and past it into a new thread to apply. Good luck!
Ingame Name: Combat Lynx
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76719148
Time Played: 61 Hours
When First Joined: I don't remember, I think it was around the End of March/The Start of april
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I usually play around the afternoon after school if im not on my PS4 or with friends/family, on the weekends i have alot of free time so i can hop on then. I cannot play in the mornings (around 6 - 2 depending if i am at school or not). My Time zone is PDT (Pacific Daylight time)
Rank Desired: trusted
Current Rank: Master
What can you do to help the community?: I can stop the Mic spammers/chat spammers, Make people have a good time on the server and come back to join the community. I already Have all my keybinds fixed up( keep forgetting which one is which though). And be there if no other Staff are on.
Why do you want to help the community?: Well to be honest a lot of the people on the server are my friends and i want to make it a better experience for them and as well as the other players. When i was on the server one time late at night (around 12 am) there were a bunch of mic spammers, Text spammers, squeakers etc.. and everyone thought that because i was a Master rank that i could fix all of that but i couldn't since i did not have that power. If i do get the Promotion to the Trusted rank i could make sure non of that stuff could happen>
Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): no
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): no
How did you find us?: well after i wiped my PC, I decided to hop onto GMod and play prophunt, This Server was ontop with a low ping, a good rating and a lot of players so i joined it and thought it was a good idea to stick around.
Ingame Name: Combat Lynx
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76719148
Time Played: 61 Hours
When First Joined: I don't remember, I think it was around the End of March/The Start of april
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I usually play around the afternoon after school if im not on my PS4 or with friends/family, on the weekends i have alot of free time so i can hop on then. I cannot play in the mornings (around 6 - 2 depending if i am at school or not). My Time zone is PDT (Pacific Daylight time)
Rank Desired: trusted
Current Rank: Master
What can you do to help the community?: I can stop the Mic spammers/chat spammers, Make people have a good time on the server and come back to join the community. I already Have all my keybinds fixed up( keep forgetting which one is which though). And be there if no other Staff are on.
Why do you want to help the community?: Well to be honest a lot of the people on the server are my friends and i want to make it a better experience for them and as well as the other players. When i was on the server one time late at night (around 12 am) there were a bunch of mic spammers, Text spammers, squeakers etc.. and everyone thought that because i was a Master rank that i could fix all of that but i couldn't since i did not have that power. If i do get the Promotion to the Trusted rank i could make sure non of that stuff could happen>
Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): no
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): no
How did you find us?: well after i wiped my PC, I decided to hop onto GMod and play prophunt, This Server was ontop with a low ping, a good rating and a lot of players so i joined it and thought it was a good idea to stick around.