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Mosh Pit's 2nd Trusted Application
Hello everyone! I'm applying to be a Trusted player. I feel like people have been happy with how I've changed recently, and am open to suggestions. 

Ingame Name: Chloe Birb Mosh Pit Shaka Brah

Steam ID: Still trying to figure this one out, can't seem to find it on my profile. 

Time Played: 4 days, 2 hours, and 23 minutes as of this application. (Some of you may know I used to hour milk when I first started, even deducting the amount I did, I would still meet the 80 hour staff minimum). 

When First Joined: Around 1.5 months ago. I've probably before that but didn't regularly play this specific server till then, 

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Schedule changes frequently. Usually have 2 full days off (where I can contribute 4-8 hours, depending on current activities), and can contribute an hour or two each night if needed. 

Rank Desired: Trusted for now. I would someday like to be a higher rank but the time commitment might be too much. 

Current Rank: Donor - Regular.

What can you do to help the community?:  I enjoy helping new players that have joined. I can also help early morning (when it seems like a lot of spammers seem to come on) on this server.
I already do this in the morning (usually with AlmostMidnight as well), and usually report it to a mod when available if I had to kick, mass gag, or had a potential hacker. 

Why do you want to help the community?: Honestly, the people. A lot of people on this server are really awesome people. And I want to pay back them for dealing with my trash self (when I first started), and I want to do my part now to make this server a great gaming experience. This server is really well done, and has probably the least toxic community by a long shot. 

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Banned? No. Kicked. Yes. Explanation here: Initially been kicked for using console commands while staff was on. I did it twice, this was during my first two weeks on this server. I have now learned the staff rules and have not abused them. Staff occasionally will allow me to use my powers in times of need. 
I was also kicked a couple times for hour milking. I admit to this and have not done it since. Even factoring in hours of server milking, I still would meet the requirements for Trusted Staff. 

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): Not sure how to post my last app. Yes. It was denied. I hope to have changed people's mind and hope I am welcomed as Trusted.  :P

How did you find us?: Being the top of the server list, pretty easily.  :D

Other: Thank you for considering me! If you think I can still improve please let me know down below. 
As it has only been half a month since your last app Im goin to have to say to wait. I have seen really decent improvement in your behavior in that time though. So keep up the good work and wait to apply until roughly July.
[Image: giphy.gif]
He threatened my family for this +1
+1. recently I've noticed that you have been improving of the way you talk to people, You know now that if you are going to be AFK for a while you leave the server which i also like. You also been asking staff if you can use your Donor powers with their permission more and more often. you continue to help the player's on the server if they're in need of it. I would recommend him becoming staff. although it is fairly early to re-apply.

Reason: Yes, he has changed over the past week and I do want him to become trusted. A great individual who follows the server rules. In addition, he's also a great friend to become with. Good luck for becoming trusted.
(06-08-2018, 04:40 PM)Traitor Wrote: As it has only been half a month since your last app Im goin to have to say to wait. I have seen really decent improvement in your behavior in that time though. So keep up the good work and wait to apply until roughly July.
Has it really only been 2 weeks? Sorry I thought it was 3 weeks to close to a month.
Can I keep this up (even if it doesn't get improved) so I can see everyone's opinion on it?

(06-08-2018, 04:40 PM)rivers™ Wrote: He threatened my family for this +1

lol thanks rivers. XD

(06-08-2018, 04:42 PM)AlmostMidnight Wrote: +1

Reason: Yes, he has changed over the past week and I do want him to become trusted. A great individual who follows the server rules. In addition, he's also a great friend to become with. Good luck for becoming trusted.

Thanks Midnight, your opinion always matters big time to me! :)
While it is still early you have improved greatly. Keep up the good work and listen to what traitor said

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