06-08-2018, 04:36 PM
Hello everyone! I'm applying to be a Trusted player. I feel like people have been happy with how I've changed recently, and am open to suggestions.
Ingame Name: Chloe Birb Mosh Pit Shaka Brah
Steam ID: Still trying to figure this one out, can't seem to find it on my profile.
Time Played: 4 days, 2 hours, and 23 minutes as of this application. (Some of you may know I used to hour milk when I first started, even deducting the amount I did, I would still meet the 80 hour staff minimum).
When First Joined: Around 1.5 months ago. I've probably before that but didn't regularly play this specific server till then,
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Schedule changes frequently. Usually have 2 full days off (where I can contribute 4-8 hours, depending on current activities), and can contribute an hour or two each night if needed.
Rank Desired: Trusted for now. I would someday like to be a higher rank but the time commitment might be too much.
Current Rank: Donor - Regular.
What can you do to help the community?: I enjoy helping new players that have joined. I can also help early morning (when it seems like a lot of spammers seem to come on) on this server.
I already do this in the morning (usually with AlmostMidnight as well), and usually report it to a mod when available if I had to kick, mass gag, or had a potential hacker.
Why do you want to help the community?: Honestly, the people. A lot of people on this server are really awesome people. And I want to pay back them for dealing with my trash self (when I first started), and I want to do my part now to make this server a great gaming experience. This server is really well done, and has probably the least toxic community by a long shot.
Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Banned? No. Kicked. Yes. Explanation here: Initially been kicked for using console commands while staff was on. I did it twice, this was during my first two weeks on this server. I have now learned the staff rules and have not abused them. Staff occasionally will allow me to use my powers in times of need.
I was also kicked a couple times for hour milking. I admit to this and have not done it since. Even factoring in hours of server milking, I still would meet the requirements for Trusted Staff.
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): Not sure how to post my last app. Yes. It was denied. I hope to have changed people's mind and hope I am welcomed as Trusted. :P
How did you find us?: Being the top of the server list, pretty easily. :D
Other: Thank you for considering me! If you think I can still improve please let me know down below.
Ingame Name: Chloe Birb Mosh Pit Shaka Brah
Steam ID: Still trying to figure this one out, can't seem to find it on my profile.
Time Played: 4 days, 2 hours, and 23 minutes as of this application. (Some of you may know I used to hour milk when I first started, even deducting the amount I did, I would still meet the 80 hour staff minimum).
When First Joined: Around 1.5 months ago. I've probably before that but didn't regularly play this specific server till then,
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Schedule changes frequently. Usually have 2 full days off (where I can contribute 4-8 hours, depending on current activities), and can contribute an hour or two each night if needed.
Rank Desired: Trusted for now. I would someday like to be a higher rank but the time commitment might be too much.
Current Rank: Donor - Regular.
What can you do to help the community?: I enjoy helping new players that have joined. I can also help early morning (when it seems like a lot of spammers seem to come on) on this server.
I already do this in the morning (usually with AlmostMidnight as well), and usually report it to a mod when available if I had to kick, mass gag, or had a potential hacker.
Why do you want to help the community?: Honestly, the people. A lot of people on this server are really awesome people. And I want to pay back them for dealing with my trash self (when I first started), and I want to do my part now to make this server a great gaming experience. This server is really well done, and has probably the least toxic community by a long shot.
Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Banned? No. Kicked. Yes. Explanation here: Initially been kicked for using console commands while staff was on. I did it twice, this was during my first two weeks on this server. I have now learned the staff rules and have not abused them. Staff occasionally will allow me to use my powers in times of need.
I was also kicked a couple times for hour milking. I admit to this and have not done it since. Even factoring in hours of server milking, I still would meet the requirements for Trusted Staff.
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): Not sure how to post my last app. Yes. It was denied. I hope to have changed people's mind and hope I am welcomed as Trusted. :P
How did you find us?: Being the top of the server list, pretty easily. :D
Other: Thank you for considering me! If you think I can still improve please let me know down below.