Offender's Name:
cinquante dix coque
я убью тебя ебать
Offender's SteamID:
Potential Witnesses: DontHitMeBro, Lewis, Jake, RTM
Reason to Ban: Harassment, Alt Evasion
Proof: I asked them to stop, then a second time. So after they didn't stop I muted them for a round. So because of that they continued in Admin chat... I then kicked him for continuing after being told to stop multiple times and then using admin chat to keep going. He rejoined and started going at it in admin chat again. After me telling him to stop again I banned him, then another account joins and starts saying this, this, and this. I then banned them for alt evasion knowing it was just the previous guy. uhhhh last guy i really have nothing for besides that he also called me the same thing and the "you can keep banning me" . well besides where they were permanently banned and here is the thread where he alt evaded with 4 other accounts.
я убью тебя ебать
cinquante dix coque
cinquante dix coque
я убью тебя ебать
Offender's SteamID:
Potential Witnesses: DontHitMeBro, Lewis, Jake, RTM
Reason to Ban: Harassment, Alt Evasion
Proof: I asked them to stop, then a second time. So after they didn't stop I muted them for a round. So because of that they continued in Admin chat... I then kicked him for continuing after being told to stop multiple times and then using admin chat to keep going. He rejoined and started going at it in admin chat again. After me telling him to stop again I banned him, then another account joins and starts saying this, this, and this. I then banned them for alt evasion knowing it was just the previous guy. uhhhh last guy i really have nothing for besides that he also called me the same thing and the "you can keep banning me" . well besides where they were permanently banned and here is the thread where he alt evaded with 4 other accounts.
я убью тебя ебать
cinquante dix coque
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