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Not really an "introduction"
Hey-ho there, my name is "My Funny Valentine" as my Steam login would suggest. However, more specifically, some of you may remember me from a WHILE back, as "MitZnefet."

Just wanted to say hi to anyone who was still hanging around, at least from *that* long ago. I was looking through old videos that I had turned unlisted on my YT channel and saw some older stuff from when I was still playing (and still had Gmod installed.)

My personal favorite:

But anyways, a few quick shout outs to anyone still hanging on that I would know
  • Shout out to Lycan for always being a voice of reason, it's how I knew you were a nerd. Also for not remembering me from the other server we were both on and friends on at that.
  • Shout out to Bang Bang for turning the radio show into a run away train
  • Shout out to Dinkleberg for being drunk and getting made fun of, by me of course
  • General Lee, for his good composure
  • Queef Commando, for always being disgusted by the graveyard shift regulars
  • Ted, for being ugly
  • Obi-Juan, for his insightful commentary to how fucked the round was
  • Sassy, for being an easy punching bag
  • Christian, for a fun and easy pot to stir
  • Anyone else who I didn't mention but is cool
  • Anyone who is still fuckin' playing
I'll be honest and say I left in a sour mood on a sour note, the search function seems to be broken on the legacy forums for Enjin but you can probably find me being a dickhead towards the end. Sorry about that. I don't play Gmod at all anymore but it's still neat to see old shit like that crop up again. 

Have a good one! And to all the fresh meat, enjoy the old link.

P.S. I know most aren't, but if anyone is interested in at least having a fireside chat for old time's sake, my steam profile can be reached from the forum profile. I sincerely hope you have a good day.
Oshit, I remember you Mitz. Good to hear from ya sir.
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
Yessss Mitz, I'm glad to see you around here again. You're a swell dude to hang out with.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Welcome back!
[Image: V3riwMP.jpg]A Bowl Of Soup
[Image: dinks.jpg]

(04-07-2018, 07:51 AM)General Lee 2: Lee Harder Wrote: Yessss Mitz, I'm glad to see you around here again. You're a swell dude to hang out with.

Like I said, if you wanna stay in touch I'm on Steam but I'm probably not gonna pick up Gmod again.

Good luck on Trusted if you haven't already got it, I don't think my opinion is too valid currently to the staff.

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.