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[TTT] Changelogs
Hey guys, it's been quite some time since the last update. My bad, life has been busy these past months but hopefully I can get back into a regular update schedule with Dink. For now, here are some recent changes:

  • Removed ttt_waterworld_remastered (for good this time)

  • Added 4 new playermodels: Stonks Guy, Walter White, Joshua Graham, and Snoop Dog!
  • Added the Minecraft Trident, a fixed version of the harpoon.
  • Added the Traitor Barnacle, a ceiling-based traitor trap.
  • Added Model Crate 3, available now in the Pointshop & soon to be on the random drop list. 

Coming soon: 

Christmas Maps!

Updated Mapvote thumbnails on the maps that are missing them!
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Updated the MOTD to include the following line in Rule 6:

Do not participate in anything that may be questionably legal, this includes things such as actual violence, crimes, exploitation of minors (including “jokes” and suggestive comments), and doxxing.

Also added the following line to the bottom of the MOTD:

Dinkleberg’s TTT complies with all server rules enforced by the Garry’s Mod development team. If you are found to be in violation of any of their rules we reserve the right to punish accordingly.
Added a previously unused pet, the fighter Jet, to the purchasable section for 500 premium points.

• New Role Items: Detective PlayerCamera and TimeWinder.
• Detective PlayerCamera - This item allows you to monitor one suspicious player. When using this weapon, a mini window will pop up on your display giving you visual access to a player. The PlayerCamera only disappears when the player dies.
• TimeWinder - Ever wanted to schedule your teleporter? Now you can! This item allows you to set a countdown for teleportation. Starting at 30 secs, you can adjust the time in increments of 5 secs for the desired time. (30 seconds down to 5 seconds) Just start the stopwatch, switch items, give 'em hell!
New Player Models: Monkey, Deadpool, Doom Guy, SpaceMan
• New Maps: Arghhh, Skeld, Red Canyon, Toy Time Galaxy, Abaixo, MC Dolls, Badjan, Erveton, Community Pool.
• Removed Maps: Lost Temple, Starwars, Vessel, Abyss, CountryTrain, Christmas Theme Maps
[Image: Bry-Donor-2.gif]

• New Weapon Added: The Dualies - A new "extremely rare" drop in the minor weapons crate.
August Update

Gameplay Changes
  • Spectator Deathmatch - Type !dm to join. (Subject to be removed if performance issues arise)
  • C4 Color Coding - Changes C4 Color depending on the distance.
  • Grapple Hook Removed - No grapple hook, no grapple exploit.
Added Maps
  • Red Wall Remake
  • East Coast
  • Desperados 2
  • CSGO Summer Office
  • Rooftops A2
  • MC Dolls Dink
  • TTT Brewery
  • TTT Reallifeskeld
  • TTT TeenRoom
  • TTT Devoz
Removed Maps
  • Arghhh
  • Red Canyon
  • Toy Time Galaxy
  • MC Dolls
  • Rooftops 2016
  • TerrorTown
  • Dolls
  • Skeld
Weapon Balance Changes
  • M14: Spread buffed from 0.02 to 0.014
  • M16: Spread buffed from 0.035 to 0.022
  • P90: Rate of fire buffed from 0.065 to 0.055 / Damage nerfed from 10 to 8 /Headshot multiplier nerfed from 2 to 1.25 / Spread nerfed from 0.045 to 0.052
  • MP9: Damage nerfed from 18 to 17
  • AK47: Damage nerfed from 21 to 20
  • Silenced Sniper: Headshot multiplier buffed from 5 to 5.5
  • Striker-12: Rate of fire buffed from 0.45 to 0.35 / Recoil nerfed from 3.65 to 3.85 / Damage nerfed from 4.4 to 3.8 / Gunfire noise level slightly reduced
  • Ares Shrike: Rate of fire buffed from 0.12 to 0.10 / Recoil buffed from 2.3 to 1.85
[Image: Bry-Donor-2.gif]
Gameplay Changes
Spectator Deathmatch Fixed - Guns now spawn when entering DM
MapVote System- Introduces Map Cooldown and Voting Cooldown to play different maps more often
ReArm- Added ammo to multiple maps ie: Desperados, bikinibottom, island, simple, wintermansion.
[Image: Bry-Donor-2.gif]
Halloween Update
Gameplay Changes
Backstab Knife:
1- hit knife from Back
2- hit knife from Front

Added PlayerModels (Model Crate 4)
Big Boss
Adrian Shepard
Faith (Added 10/7)
JC Denton

Update Model Hitboxes
Lara Croft
Doom Guy
Tron Anon

Remove PlayerModels w/ Refund Amounts

Added Items for Halloween Crate
Available 10/17 - 11/7
Manny Calavera 
Pumpkin Pet 

Added Items
Luigi Hat - Secret Hat
Cowboy Hat - Purchasable
Navi - Secret Pet

Added Maps
Luigi’s Mansion

Added Weapons
CrossBow - Major Weapons Crate 1 - Legendary
Pocket Rifle

Balance Changes

Reworked HKMP7:
+Buffed recoil from 1.6 to 1.1
+Buffed scoped spread from 0.025 to 0.013
-Adds headshot multiplier falloff over distance, x2.7 maximum down to x1.55 minimum.

Reworked AUG:
+Buffed recoil from 2.0 to 1.5
+Buffed base damage from 15 to 16
    -Maximum headshot multiplier nerfed from 2.7 to 2.5
+Buffed scoped spread from 0.022 to 0.013
-Adds headshot multiplier falloff over distance, x2.5 maximum down to x1.7 minimum.

Reworked SG552:
+Buffed recoil from 2 to 1.8
+Buffed base damage from 15 to 18
    -Maximum headshot multiplier nerfed from 2.7 to 2.33
+Buffed scoped spread from 0.022 to 0.019
+Buffed ADS time from +0.3 to +0.2
-Nerfed unscoped spread from 0.025 to 0.027
-Adds headshot multiplier falloff over distance, x2.33 down to x1.275

Buffed ARES Strike:
+Buffed damage from 9 to 13, headshot multiplier lowered from 2.3 to 1.65

Buffed P90:
+Buffed damage from 8 to 11

Buffed M92 Beretta:
+Buffed firerate from 0.02 to 0.014

Changed Striker-12:
+Buffed spread from 0.035 to 0.031
+Buffed base damage from 34 (4.3x8) to 39 (4.875x8)
  =Fixed previous headshot multiplier nerf, was supposed to be from x2 max to x1.25 max, now changed with falloff to be x1.65 max and x1.2 min
-Nerfed firerate from 0.35 to 0.37

Changed Dual Elites:
+Buffed base damage from 16 to 19
-Adds mild headshot multiplier falloff over distance, x2.05 down to x1.765
+Buffed clip size from 25 to 30

Changed S&W 300:
+Cone reduced to .005
+Recoil reduced from 4.75 to 2.75
+Headshot multiplier changed from 6 to 7
-Damage reduced to 32, increasing the shots to kill from 3 to 4 on the body and 6 to 7 on limbs
[Image: Bry-Donor-2.gif]
February 2022 Changelog

Gameplay Changes:
Jumppack Rework:
-Changed jumping power from 12 to 8
+Global fall damage reduced by 50% to compensate

Map Vote Changes:
=Map cooldown is now 10 (from 4) 
=Max nominations is now 4 (from 5)
=Total map options is now 8 (from 10)

Added PlayerModels
TF2 Spy
Tony Hawk PS1
Carl Johnson
Jolyne Cujo 
Overhaul (MHA)
Ultraman Gaia

Updated Model Hitboxes
Doom Guy
Tron Anon   
New Accessories/Hats
Daft Punk Helmet
Luffy Hat
Shoulder Chicken

Added Maps       
ttt port
Removed Maps

Re-Armed Maps

Balance Changes:
New Weapons
New Traitor/Detective item: Pulsecannon
–Allows for rocket jumping and exceptional mobility.

New Detective item: Deployable Force Shield
–Throw down a 1000 hp shield that lasts for 45 seconds and stops all bullets. 

New Detective item: A Second Chance
–Passive item that grants a chance to be revived several seconds after death. Chance is affected by # of kills.

New Shotgun: Railspike 1887
–Shoots slightly slower than deagle with pinpoint accuracy ADS making it a "revolver shotgun."

Weapon Changes
RSB Timer reduced to 15 seconds from 25
Reworked Vector:
=Replaces previous automatic fire mode with a new semi-automatic 5-round burst. No headshot falloff.
     ==5 bullets per burst
     ==0.048s in between each shot
     ==0.375s in between each burst
+Buffed damage from 17 to 18
     -Headshot multiplier nerfed from 2.6 to 1.6 to compensate for new firerate & damage
+Buffed clip size from 25 to 30
+Buffed ADS time from +0.3s to +0.1s to give better responsiveness
+Buffed recoil from 2.05 to 1.55
-Nerfed sound levels by increasing them from 90 to 105

Changed Famas:
+Buffed firerate from 0.1 to 0.095
-Nerfed recoil from 0.9 to 0.95

Changed Galil:
=Toned down ADS zoom levels
+Buffed ADS spread to 0.011
+Buffed damage from 15 to 16, headshot multiplier changed from 2.67 to 2.625 (40 -> 42) to compensate
-Nerfed recoil from 0.804 to 1 

Changed Dart Gun:
=Slot changed from 6 to 7 to allow use with Flare Gun.

Buffed M14:
=Added zoom to ADS 
+Buffed clip size from 8 to 12

Buffed AS VAL:
+Buffed clip size from 20 to 25
+Buffed damage from 14 to 15
+Buffed spread from 0.04 to 0.037

Buffed TEC-9:
+Buffed spread from 0.021 to 0.018

Buffed Shotguns (not counting Striker-12):
+Buffed spread accuracy
     Pump Shotgun:
          +Buffed spread from 0.15 to 0.11
          +Buffed spread from 0.08 to 0.06
     Locomotive 12G
          +Buffed spread from 0.285 to 0.22 

Fixed Stinger lua errors and greatly increased headshot multiplier.

Fixed Spring Mine to actually work (finally, we know).
[Image: Bry-Donor-2.gif]
April 2022 Changelog
Happy Easter!
The Hat Update

As many of you know, the Hat crate was removed due to issues with unboxing some Extremely Rare items. We have since resolved the issues and have readded the original crate and have also released 2 more additional hat crates to purchase. These hats are now available on the Pointshop to be opened! In addition to these new crates and hats being added, we have adjusted pricing among various hats throughout the shop. Some are worth significantly more, while some were decreased in value to meet crate standards. The adjustments are made visible in the subsequent sections below. Due to the nature of the pointshop, items you own, that are being adjusted, will not be impacted by this change. If you wish to have your item update its value, you will need to trade the item to a friend and have them send it back.

Thank you for your patience and dedication to this community!

Hat Crate 1 (Returned with Updated Items)
Hat Crate 2
Hat Crate 3
New Hats/Accessories
Mario Hat
Peach Crown
Frog Hat
Toad Hat
Link Hat
King Zora
Meta Knight Mask
Midna Mask
Smurda Hat
Batman Mask
Bunny Ears
Pricing Adjustments
Breens Head: 175 > 100
Hot Dog Hat: 0 > 300
Graduation Cap100 > 75
Top Hat75 > 50
Emergency Light: 50 > 35
King Boo's Crown400 > 300
Soda Hat: 100 > 75
Hatchet50 > 25
Bomber Hat: 0 > 200
Sombrero: 0 > 300
DIY Glasses: 0 > 100
Hamburger Hat100 > 75
Jesse's Hat: 100 > 50
[Image: Bry-Donor-2.gif]

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About Us
    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.