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Communication and Civility
I made a post on a specific thread about a specific event regarding this topic, but I thought I would put some thoughts here in a broader term related to how many things have gone down. I don't want to see this community go the way of an old community I was upper staff on, and if things don't change I can see it heading down that path. This is all my opinion and my perspective, so don't take this as any sort of official decree. I (mostly) say this separate from anything related to my own staff position.

This server needs to communicate way better. Let's start from the top down. Upper staff needs to communicate better with the rest of the community, particularly when something directly involving them is happening or a major criticism is brought up in a civil manner. At the bare minimum, lending an ear to the concerns of the community and giving them some sort of response to a legitimate grievance is going to make everything easier for all parties. Maybe, just maybe, communicating with the server better will result in the community using less than civil tactics (which result in bans and potentially legitimate grievances being unheard). More community polls, perhaps, when something needs to be changed is also a potential option I believe would be a good thing. It's an easy way to get a consensus. And as a lower level staff member myself, the most active staff members seem to be the TMods and Trusteds, so they might have something good to say too.

Speaking of civil tactics, the only way this server and this community is going to be better is if everyone works together. Community members, I understand- you want to be heard and you want staff to listen. However, using channels like "memes," accusations of abuse, and provoking shitposts is only contributing the current vicious cycle of bans and accusations of upper staff being dictatorial/unwilling to listen. I for one see a lot more credibility in someone who takes the time to write out a constructive criticism of something than someone that takes a few minutes to throw together a picture with inflammatory captions or makes serious accusations against someone over something that shouldn't be a big deal.

This place is gonna keep losing members and cause more drama and rifts if nobody is willing to work together as a COMMUNITY. Maybe I'm expecting too much out of what is a somewhat anonymous gathering of people on the internet. But, the community won't survive unless people are willing to work together to reach a common goal- a fun place to play GMod and chill with some cool people.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
You ask for a lot clearer communication from up high. This is something I've been crusading for since I bought TMod almost a year ago. With the forcible removal of an abusive Admin and the resignation of the inactive co-owner, two seats opened up in the room where it happens. Of the two people who were picked to fill them, Scoovie was another person who advocated for better communication. This has resulted in a significant shift in policy. Unban requests are answered, staff apps are given explicit answers instead of ambiguous silence, and the Admins have a visible presence on the server. Hell, I'm constantly on here doing my best to answer every question the community has for me and I try to keep everyone informed of the work I'm doing. It's not perfect, mind you, but it's moving in a better direction.

With that being said, this community has a habit of being feisty when it comes to disagreements. When action is taken against people with a powerful presence in the community, such as Lycan's demotion or the banning of the BANTZ people, civil discussions quickly devolve into name calling. I think that this was one of the reasons (though not the only one) that the Hoodie thread was locked so quickly; the Admins felt it was becoming a hostile and toxic environment and that not nipping it in the bud would have resulted in discourse. Yes, it's sad that the actions of the past have this amount of impact on the present. But there has been a mindset for a long time that "telling people to stop being immature when presenting a differing opinion" is the same as "censorship" and the Admins are not in the mood to put up with that shit anymore. It's why Blackcat is currently banned on the forums.

I'd like to state for clarity's sake that I feel the Admins jumped the gun on locking the thread and more visible moderation of the conversation would have resulted in a less-hostile end.

While I'm not interested in engaging the conversation about the ban directly, I'll ask you and the greater community this: what would you like to see changed about the communication from up high? Knowing that there are people here who will be very vocal and vitriolic about anything and everything they do, how would you handle these individuals if you were an Admin?
*Insert Rippe meme of above post here*
But amen to my nigga dildo getting this shit spot on. Props to you man.
(04-19-2017, 03:20 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote: *Insert Rippe meme of above post here*

Case and point.
Maybe if they didn't instantly lock the threads they don't like we could have communication
[Image: original.gif]
FYI requests and apps were getting answered well before Scoovie:
As were staff apps:

We used to have a voting system for staff apps, using steam groups. So while the threads may have seemed silent we did discuss every app.
(04-19-2017, 03:24 PM)⌠ƒ€ѦГ⌡StaleWater Wrote: Maybe if they didn't instantly lock the threads they don't like we could have communication

Locking threads when they are getting out of hand and devoling into childish behavior is fine. I disagree with the Hoodie thread, but the others were acceptable.

(04-19-2017, 03:31 PM)Everyjuan Wrote: We used to have a voting system for staff apps, using steam groups. So while the threads may have seemed silent we did discuss every app.

That system went the way of the dodo when Wildfire stopped being co-owner. Right now is a slow transition back to clearer communication.
I would really like to get into more discussions with higher up about more things. Like the hoodie thread, the lower staff dont have too much of a day in too many things because we are simply lower staff. There is better communication but there still isn't enough cumminication
I couldn't agree more, and as Rippe stated, sometimes dealing with the same recurring grievances ie shitposters, trolls, assholes, gets very annoying and that is what causes them to lock things up. Most of which I am completely fine with. But yes, we all need to do a better job at being friends to one another and not constantly looking for a way to rip at each other's throats. Frankly I'm tired of all the fighting going on and I would wish for the community aspect of our server to return to what it used to be like.
But that's just my opinion on the matter.
Take it with a grain of salt if you must.
My final thoughts on the matter before I shove off for the land of Dark Souls:

If a situation arises and you look at it as "too much work, close the thread, ban them, what ever have it." Then point blank, staffing is too much work for you and it's in the servers interests for you to step down from your position and open it to some one with a stronger fortitude. Who is mentally capable of handling these issues, rather than literally picking the issue and player up, and dumping them right in the trash.
This being directed to all staff on both sides of the fence.
If doing staff shit is too hard, don't be staff.
Removing the issue because it's "too difficult, too much work, too much stress" isn't how to properly proceed in handling things.
I'm a landscaper. Never have I looked at a boulder and decided "Work around it. It's too heavy. We're not dealing with this.".
Why? Because this is my job and I knew the boulder was there when I took the property.
It's a responsibility I CHOSE, and i'm not going to half ass that to make my own life easier because of such.
We break out the pick axes and bust it down into smaller easier to manage rocks, dole out sections, and address the problem fully as a working crew until it's resolved.
This exact ideal and work ethic is what I personally feel any one staff member should be holding to, fuck, any player even.
Now I already know "you get paid for it, we don't." But that's a straw man. Because the point here is, it's something you chose to do. Do it holey or not at all.
A king who serves only in his own interest is the easiest catalyst four a coup; remember that.
If you want to staff and make the server great: do it.
Take in the words of the lower staff, the players, and digest it.
Don't take them in and go "That's cute that 100 of you think that, but us 3 think this so that's how it's going.".

I said it before and i'll say it again: Talk, like the adults you are.

I hope my words break through to a few of you. I also hope the staff who it's directed at lowers their walls for even a few meager seconds to understand "maybe i'm not the amazing staff I think I am, and maybe the voices of many should actually be considered over my own singular opinion.". I'm sorry but point blank; it's in the servers interest for a few of you to step back, or down entirely. I hope over the next few months everyone can form a dialogue and discuss this as equals, no locks, no bans, no removals, just pure discussion and democracy. I love this fucking server, and I love the fucking people I play here with. To a point where it's stressing me out of game to see this server, to see my fucking friends, having to be put through this. And there be literally 0 I can do about it. So this is my final plea: please take these following months to step back and look at your selves and everything that's transpiring and ask your self "Why is this happening, and am I at any fault?". Too many good people are being driven from the oasis as it's slowly molded into a hellish landscape. They don't deserve it for the time and dedication they show to this server.
                                                                                                TTT - Test Mod
                                                                                  PH - Just a guy who nukes rooms

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