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I should really sleep but....
Ingame Name: BIIG_SAD

Steam ID:
edit: ID: STEAM_0:0:154149659

Time Played: about 102 hours in this server.
Edit: (11/5) 113.5 hrs

When First Joined: a while back for a couple minutes, really picked it up around august(?) or september(?)

Availability: currently, I play after work, so around 11 ish PM to around 5 ish AM EST. I am usually free except sundays, as then I DM a DnD group.

Rank Desired: Trusted
Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community?:
I can help staff the deader hours of the server that seemingly have no staffing of. I notice that usually, when I am on, staff appears infrequently.
I would like that to change, and to help staff the server to get the baddies and keep the place clean.

Why do you want to help the community?: What motivates you to help us?

I remember the good old days when I used to play on another massive server that eventually collapsed because there was no moderation,
and because of no moderation, there was no donation, and because of no donation, the server fell. I found this server in my history from a long time ago
and on a whim, fired up gmod to play on here. Immediately, I was enthralled by the community, and decided that I could not let this server, a fun place, die out.
I immediately donated, and plan on doing so every so often, moreso to keep the server alive. I love the community as it has brought me happiness in what'
could be described as some really trying times at my job.

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): I have never been banned/censored.
[edit] I kick myself every now and then to goto bed. I have only ever recieved 1 kick by someone else, which was essentially me going to bed (asked them to kick me with reason of "goto bed").

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): I have never applied for staff, so please, give me your honest opinions.

Do you have a way to record video or take screenshots? Using my rtx card, I can capture shadowplay and record footage using geforce experience, and with my
basic video editing skills, I can pare down videos to only relevant portions.

How did you find us?: Why or how did you end up picking our server out of the many others?

I found you all through the legacy browser one fine day a while back. I re-found you all when I reinstalled gmod for a gpu test, and fell back in.

-I have been a helper on a private minecraft server before.
-I have been a team captain for a sports team before with people more unruly than on the server.

I really love this community. I want to give back and do my part to make the community thrive. I don't think there is much else to say.
Your steam ID: STEAM_0:0:154149659

Game tracker:

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.jpg]
Ayo Sad. This is honestly relatively surprising. I could feel that you had intentions leading in this direction but at the same time I wasn't expecting anything so soon.

To start off, there is quite a bit I believe you can work on. There have been instances with your ban requests where you do not have enough evidence. You jump the gun, you kick the hacker out without enough evidence to protect the ban. At the end of the day the idea of banning someone is simple. However, we need to make sure that it sticks. If we do not have proper evidence, then the ban will fall off due to not standing against an unban. I hope this makes sense and you may start grabbing more evidence when the situations arise. 

Normally for hackers, a round is pretty good. It really depends on how they're acting and if they have certain things showing such as shake.

For ghosters, one or two good rounds of them zooming to props is normally good. Sometimes it can take a map just to catch them depending on how they're playing. 

Most of the other stuff is basic guideline stuff that you should familiarize yourself with in the near future just so you can be a bit more ready. 

It's hard for me to see how you deal with people in lobby due to the command thing of Staff vs. Donors. On the bright side I've had pleasant experiences with you and no problems to remark upon. What I brought up is mainly stuff you should work on. 

For this staff app I am Neutral.

I definitely believe that you can be a great staff member in the future but I'm curious if this is the time? 

Good luck man!
[Image: wattson-apex-legends.gif]
[Image: 6jCIuUl.gif]
(11-03-2021, 08:01 AM)Ryzif Wrote: Ayo Sad. This is honestly relatively surprising. I could feel that you had intentions leading in this direction but at the same time I wasn't expecting anything so soon.

To start off, there is quite a bit I believe you can work on. There have been instances with your ban requests where you do not have enough evidence. You jump the gun, you kick the hacker out without enough evidence to protect the ban. At the end of the day the idea of banning someone is simple. However, we need to make sure that it sticks. If we do not have proper evidence, then the ban will fall off due to not standing against an unban. I hope this makes sense and you may start grabbing more evidence when the situations arise. 

Normally for hackers, a round is pretty good. It really depends on how they're acting and if they have certain things showing such as shake.

For ghosters, one or two good rounds of them zooming to props is normally good. Sometimes it can take a map just to catch them depending on how they're playing. 

Most of the other stuff is basic guideline stuff that you should familiarize yourself with in the near future just so you can be a bit more ready. 

It's hard for me to see how you deal with people in lobby due to the command thing of Staff vs. Donors. On the bright side I've had pleasant experiences with you and no problems to remark upon. What I brought up is mainly stuff you should work on. 

For this staff app I am Neutral.

I definitely believe that you can be a great staff member in the future but I'm curious if this is the time? 

Good luck man!
Honesty, I agree. I agree that I could be more patient. I honestly need to just start recording when I think something is suspicious instead of (hoping to) relying on shadowplay to catch the last 5 minutes. thank you for the critique, as it lets me grow and learn.
Trusted is just entry level staff, and from what I've seen the last couple weeks, I think you've done well. You know the rules with your ban requests, you do have a pretty level head most of the time but I do agree with Ryzif that you do jump the gun a bit sometimes on punishments. He laid out some good feedback for you there, so take that to heart and remember to slow down sometimes and analyze the situation before taking action.

I am also going to remain NEUTRAL here. I think with a little bit of training, you could be a good member of the team. You're a ton of fun to play with and a pleasant person all around, and I look forward to frustrating you more with some of my hiding spots. Best of luck to ya!
[Image: ErQ4M8K.jpg] 
Some things that I believe you could work on is situational awareness, specifically being aware of who is on server. I only bring this up as a week or so ago when I was on with you, there was a person who mic spammed and you immediately gagged them before I could warn them; you also didn't give them a warning from what I saw (I admit you could have previously before I loaded in). I did make mention to the player not to mic spam after you had gagged them, in which you did say "sorry, I didn't see you join" (or something to that manner). 

Now I do not have an issue with donors using their powers properly, meaning that procedure is followed (Warn then punish) and this is the only incident I can think of. 

Mind you, if I have you mixed up with someone else I do apologize but I'm 90% sure this was our interaction. 

I do think that spending some more times around forums and more actively engaged in the Discord would do you some good and allow others in the community to get to know you better. 

There's no major red flags for me to openly speak against you, however there also isn't anything that makes you stick out a whole lot. 

I have no issues if you do or do not become staff at this time.  

If you don't make it this round, do not be discouraged and take from what others have said. 

Best of luck
Hey, Big Sad
From my experience with you on the server and on discord, I can give you some pointers to consider,
The way to handle situation when it first occurs such as a mic spam, a warning is mostly prompted first since well it's there first time doing it and the warning is usually for everyone who see it in chat or hear it in vc.
When there things that are beyond what you could handle and needed a staff to come on,
please use the on call ping on ph chat of discord, I wasn't really happy waking up with my cellphone light blast in my face at 
around 5-5:30 a.m. EST..... two days ago.
The pros:
1. Introduction thread done
2. Gaming activity Good
3. Ban requests were made showing that you were just the boy who cried wolf situation
The Cons:
1. As triangle said, Situation Awareness
2. As, Ryzif said for ghosting ban request a round or two, imo in their view will show clear ghosting for judgement
3. Don't take this badly but you do have some good path to join the staff just not this instance.

On my view, you do have some things to work with, however since Trusted is a stepping stone to the Dink's Staffing,I have to be netural because many before you do have the things we tend to look at, but at times its not nitpicking somethings it is more rather how this player deal with this situation and is it resolve and done with or does it go on into a big mess then before.It's good to think about a situation and the steps to handle it without jumping too many steps. 
[Image: sukuna-evil-laugh.gif]
[Image: YWj4Wn.gif]
(11-05-2021, 10:15 PM)Ryuji Sakamoto Wrote:
Hey, Big Sad
From my experience with you on the server and on discord, I can give you some pointers to consider,
The way to handle situation when it first occurs such as a mic spam, a warning is mostly prompted first since well it's there first time doing it and the warning is usually for everyone who see it in chat or hear it in vc.
When there things that are beyond what you could handle and needed a staff to come on,
please use the on call ping on ph chat of discord, I wasn't really happy waking up with my cellphone light blast in my face at 
around 5-5:30 a.m. EST..... two days ago.
The pros:
1. Introduction thread done
2. Gaming activity Good
3. Ban requests were made showing that you were just the boy who cried wolf situation
The Cons:
1. As triangle said, Situation Awareness
2. As, Ryzif said for ghosting ban request a round or two, imo in their view will show clear ghosting for judgement
3. Don't take this badly but you do have some good path to join the staff just not this instance.

On my view, you do have some things to work with, however since Trusted is a stepping stone to the Dink's Staffing,I have to be netural because many before you do have the things we tend to look at, but at times its not nitpicking somethings it is more rather how this player deal with this situation and is it resolve and done with or does it go on into a big mess then before.It's good to think about a situation and the steps to handle it without jumping too many steps. 
appreciate the feedback, will adjust accordingly.

(11-05-2021, 08:30 PM)The Triangle Wrote: Some things that I believe you could work on is situational awareness, specifically being aware of who is on server. I only bring this up as a week or so ago when I was on with you, there was a person who mic spammed and you immediately gagged them before I could warn them; you also didn't give them a warning from what I saw (I admit you could have previously before I loaded in). I did make mention to the player not to mic spam after you had gagged them, in which you did say "sorry, I didn't see you join" (or something to that manner). 

Now I do not have an issue with donors using their powers properly, meaning that procedure is followed (Warn then punish) and this is the only incident I can think of. 

Mind you, if I have you mixed up with someone else I do apologize but I'm 90% sure this was our interaction. 

I do think that spending some more times around forums and more actively engaged in the Discord would do you some good and allow others in the community to get to know you better. 

There's no major red flags for me to openly speak against you, however there also isn't anything that makes you stick out a whole lot. 

I have no issues if you do or do not become staff at this time.  

If you don't make it this round, do not be discouraged and take from what others have said. 

Best of luck
Thanks for the pointers. Honestly, I look for ways to better myself at every instance. 

I admit I do look "young" to the community, but I can remedy this by interacting more with the community. I really love this place, as it is the most stable community I have been a part of.



I really think you have great potential in becoming staff but I'm not entirely sure this is the right time.
Here are a few reasons why:

1. You only have 100 hours currently playing on the server, although this does meet the requirement it isn't a lot of time game-wise, but that is only my personal opinion. 

2. From what I have witnessed when players get a bit rowdy/troll you tend to be very defensive and get worked up. This is totally understandable, but you have to learn to stay calm and take time to communicate the server rules and tell them what will happen if they don't follow them. I'd like to also add that the server isn't always going to be 100% kid-friendly, we'd like to keep it as PG-13 as possible, so sometimes people are going to curse or make jokes, which can be okay, we're not responsible for what other people's kids hear online but we can do our best to try and make it as friendly as possible. This doesn't mean we gag someone every time we hear a curse word or a tasteless joke, if we did that then VC would be gag'd like 24/7.

3. Backseat Staffing while the staff is on. A few others have mentioned this; you tend to step over staff when they are on. I've witnessed this a few times, I'm pretty chill with it unless I say something but you should practice some awareness as to who is present in the game. We always appreciate the help but you should also allow us to do our duties so you and the others can enjoy the game more. 

4. About that awareness... Just really try to pay attention to who is alive or dead before calling out ghosters and stuff.

5. When it comes to gathering the evidence you have to have enough to back it up. Just because you get killed as a prop or someone has a decent amount of kills does not mean they are cheating/hacking/ghosting. We NEED to have evidence to back up the claims, I really like to see you practice this and put in more ban requests with the proper amount of evidence. Kicking someone who you think is cheating before you tell/warn staff is kind of a big no-no to me.

6. Be a little more active on the forums/discord, get to know the rest of the donors and staff members! :D

You have a great start on the server but I think you need a bit more practice and fine-tuning before becoming staff. Work on the points above and the things others have suggested, I'd like to see these improvements before you become a full-fledge staff member! So for now -1
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif] 
[Image: Screenshot-2.png]
(11-06-2021, 01:42 PM)Zom13ae Wrote: Mmmkay...

I really think you have great potential in becoming staff but I'm not entirely sure this is the right time.
Here are a few reasons why:

1. You only have 100 hours currently playing on the server, although this does meet the requirement it isn't a lot of time game-wise, but that is only my personal opinion. 

2. From what I have witnessed when players get a bit rowdy/troll you tend to be very defensive and get worked up. This is totally understandable, but you have to learn to stay calm and take time to communicate the server rules and tell them what will happen if they don't follow them. I'd like to also add that the server isn't always going to be 100% kid-friendly, we'd like to keep it as PG-13 as possible, so sometimes people are going to curse or make jokes, which can be okay, we're not responsible for what other people's kids hear online but we can do our best to try and make it as friendly as possible. This doesn't mean we gag someone every time we hear a curse word or a tasteless joke, if we did that then VC would be gag'd like 24/7.

3. Backseat Staffing while the staff is on. A few others have mentioned this; you tend to step over staff when they are on. I've witnessed this a few times, I'm pretty chill with it unless I say something but you should practice some awareness as to who is present in the game. We always appreciate the help but you should also allow us to do our duties so you and the others can enjoy the game more. 

4. About that awareness... Just really try to pay attention to who is alive or dead before calling out ghosters and stuff.

5. When it comes to gathering the evidence you have to have enough to back it up. Just because you get killed as a prop or someone has a decent amount of kills does not mean they are cheating/hacking/ghosting. We NEED to have evidence to back up the claims, I really like to see you practice this and put in more ban requests with the proper amount of evidence. Kicking someone who you think is cheating before you tell/warn staff is kind of a big no-no to me.

6. Be a little more active on the forums/discord, get to know the rest of the donors and staff members! :D

You have a great start on the server but I think you need a bit more practice and fine-tuning before becoming staff. Work on the points above and the things others have suggested, I'd like to see these improvements before you become a full-fledge staff member! So for now -1
to respond to these points:
1: I agree this is a low time in the server. Yes, I can only fix that by playing more.
2. I have been working on toning down response. I think I can/will slowly get better with time. again, more time/data needed.
3. It is usually a mistake stemming from #4. 
4. Valid critique. Will take it to heart.
5. Am getting better at the evidence collection.
6. see point response 1.

  •  I agree Zom13ae, and will -1 myself on this for now. clearly, all the feedback is suggesting that I need improvement which stems from needing more experience in server.
Thank you everyone. this has been a fantastic learning experience and a good amount of feedback. I will try to change to this feedback.
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.


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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.