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Discord Name: Foxka

Discord ID: Foxka#1960

When First Joined(Estimate): 3(?) years ago
What is your age: 24
What rank are you applying for (Helper or Moderator): helpa

What can you do to help the Discord community: Often times I am able to catch scam links, nsfw content, etc. and notify the discord team of these things to help prevent any mishaps or phishing attempts. I also enjoy maintaining a fun environment without being too overbearing, and have just the right amount of spice to add for myself. I believe i am good at resolving personal conflicts and can help resolve other's conflicts as well before things get slow mode'd. Since i've been able to ping discord staff, i think, why not just join them and continue to do what i do.

Why you want to help the Discord community: With the newfound push for keeping players safe from illegal/nsfw content, I have a desire to protect these players from witnessing these things. Obviously, my love for the community is known since i've stuck around for so long, and i believe i am ready to take on this mantle in order to protect not just the players, but also the discord itself from TOS violations. I love yall, and want to keep it fun as well as clean.

Other: thank you for your consideration, I hope i have proven myself capable and willing.

@Jammin  also said he would leave this up until new years for the meme
+1, foxka is really active on discord and I have seen him a plethora of times catching stuff that isn't in accordance w discord rules etc. It'd be nice to have more discord staff to get rid of rule-violating things faster
Honestly, I have seen you being really helpful in discord. You have what, a good 20k messages over these last three years? Needless to say you certainly are active in a large chunk of the channels. You're helping in other places rather than TTT where you staff in. I've seen you recently direct people how to ping properly when they need staff in their respective servers. 

There hasn't been anything through my experience with you to bring me to the conclusion that you can't do this. I'm sure you can and you definitely are working to prove that you want to be helpful. More discord staff could help, yes. This doesn't enter into the fact about this decision though. 

Others have more experience with you than I do for an absolute fact but from what I've witnessed, I can support this. 

+1 my dude.
[Image: wattson-apex-legends.gif]
[Image: 6jCIuUl.gif]
I'm going to be one of the rare ones that say -1.
It's the same as a trusted position and I just still don't fully entirely trust you yet. You can be fun to talk to and stuff, but you're also a borderline troll and that's not the kind of image that staff needs anywhere. I wasn't keen on you gaining it back on TTT either but it's not my place to decide. I'm just making my opinion known.
I am far pickier that most, however it's for good reason. Raising the quality of staff applicants and acceptances, is how we raise the quality of the server. Keep in mind; I'm not saying we need strict NO FUN EVER people, I'm saying we need people that don't act out in or out of dinks. Leaves a sour taste.
This goes not only for you but all staff imo.
Discord always seems like it could use a bit extra help. I know nuru points out a concern of being a troll, but from my experience with him being TTT staff Fox knows the difference between joking around with people and when he has to enforce "da rulez".

My only concern would be my previously mentioned tendency to be very vocal on how an issue should be resolved, which can sometimes lead to people thinking fox is combative.

Overall see no real reason not to add another person to help discord out, +1
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Bumping for additional feedback
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Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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Honestly, I'm gonna give a +1. Man handled trolls really well when he was a mere donor on TTT so I'm pretty sure the difference between the two platforms/servers/rules shouldn't be too huge for him. As for the trolly stuff, I mean he got accepted as Trusted on TTT so I TRUST him not to be a douche staff member. We need more discord staff and Foxka is an excellent fit for this position.
+1, anyone who actually uses on the discord on a regular basis has seen Foxka before, and would know that he conducts himself respectfully. The discord staff team could definitely use some fresh blood to give it a modicum of cohesion, since besides banning the obvious scammers, there’s so many situations where one member does something, that you could ask another member about and they’d handle it completely differently. Foxka has demonstrated a good skill of checking in with people to make sure he makes the right decisions keeping in line with the guidelines, and this would serve him well on the discord team to prevent the aforementioned issues. The fact that he knows how to enjoy himself and still follow guidelines also definitely helps. Just don’t go inactive like the rest of the team so that we’re only left with 1-2 total squares.
+1 Why not ? He's active on discord and everywhere else.. I don't remember Foxka causing any issues on Discord so far.He pings discord staff when needed also we don't have too much active discord staff at the moment ,I think he would make good addition to discord staff team.
[Image: e2d.jpg]

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