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I lost my ability to make witty titles
Forum/Steam Name: Laced Xanax

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61988625

Who Banned You (Staff Member or System): System

Reason For Ban: Harassment

Length of Ban: A REALLY long time

Reason for Admins to Unban: I would like to do what I believe is my duty as a member of this community and make ban requests on rule breakers, give my take on threads that I believe would benefit from it, and overall contribute my experiences and knowledge to the ever-growing amount of people that flock to these forums.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Many times

Other: I made a comment on my last unban request which was completely uncalled for and out of line. I apologize to the people involved with what was going on at the time, as I am now aware that I only added fuel to what was already an inferno. I was upset at being punished for something that I thought was completely harmless and I decided to take it out on them. I will refrain from making such comments in the future as I know that type of behavior is unacceptable in this environment.
I think he should be unbanned, he's fairly active ingame and hasn't caused problems (as far as I know). He's been banned long enough now.

+1 Laced knows the rules and made an out of line comment, it happens. He's been banned for a while, and I think now is a suitable time for him to come back.
I do not know what happened but it’s been a bit and I haven’t seen him do anything as of recent so
+1 :)

Nvm after seeing in Laced’s later post that it was from when ThePhoenix was posting his shit I fully have to say that it’s been long enough and that whole situation was bullshit to begin with. 

o7 A Farewell to Arms o7

Eat shit and live Damien…..

“I was in a butcher shop once and a pig’s head told me that God and the Devil killed each other a long time ago” -Evan Kelmp

+rep : ) Nov. 02 2021 - June 5th 2022

what in the god damn

Not a scar on his back...
Something that I want to add, whether I implied it or not in my original post, is that of course, I intend to stay drama-free and follow the rules here on the forums. Anything that can be misconstrued as a toxic or inciteful comment, I will not post.
You do always bring solid points when something serious comes up, so I think having your voice back on here does more good for the community than it does harm. Don't make any malicious posts though; I hope you keep your word that you said on here.

+1 for an unban
You have an interesting case, Laced. I don't know you well but I watch from afar. Your history is, quite simply, not great. You were fantastic former staff, but have regressed an absolute shit-ton since then. Usually when I see your name come up it's never for a good reason, and that's putting it lightly. You've had a revolving door of bans/unbans and all sorts of different punishments across a good portion of the community's platforms. Though it has been roughly 6 months since your forum ban, many would argue it's still to short given that history. Tell me, and I mean no disrespect at all here, what has changed in the last 6 months that took you from a toxic, edgy person, to what you are now? What sorts of lessons have you learned?
[Image: ErQ4M8K.jpg] 
laced is a staple member of the community, easy +1 unban
(05-30-2022, 07:52 PM)August Wrote: Tell me, and I mean no disrespect at all here, what has changed in the last 6 months that took you from a toxic, edgy person, to what you are now? What sorts of lessons have you learned?
I find these types of questions difficult to answer, because oftentimes there isn't a way to describe the changes that you go through, it's just something that happens. Nevertheless, I will do my best to answer this.

Full transparency, my sense of humor is very much still dark and edgy. That is something that is engraved into my personality and it will never change. However, I have enough social awareness and restraint to NOT make these kinds of jokes on the forums. I know the limits of what is and isn't allowed here.

The difference from 6 months ago and now? 6 months ago, I cared nothing about how anyone else felt, and had no compunctions about crossing the line. I've since grown to realize that acting like a complete sociopath on the forums accomplishes nothing except making myself laugh for a moment or two. Nobody benefits in the end.

I'm not sure how to end this post, so yeah

edit: 0 IQ moment oops

I know well enough not to act out and be edgy here, and all I'm asking for is a chance to show that I'm capable of that despite my lengthy track record.
+1. Laced is a good guy just pretty edgy at times, he's showing a lot of maturity in this thread.

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