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Life posting thraad
So today I decided to stawt something weawwy gay uwu and start something cawwed wifsting. Wifsting  OwO is the amazeballs skiww of tuwning wife's most basic moments into, wike, total epic quests. So, wike, making your bed? It's, wike, a WWE smackdown uwu with the sheets, and grocewy shopping? It's basicawwy hunting for the wast pack of uwu-worthy cookies. It's aww about adding that Howwywood gwam to your, wike, everyday pewsonaw adventure! ??✨ #WifstingWonders OwO

Today has been a not so uwu day :( Nya-thing exciting happened, except my so-called "fwiends" being, wike, totawwy buwwies, but it's wike, whatevs, 'cause that's, wike, a daiwy mood. ?? UwU

I'm weawwy gay and never gave my uwupdate, but untiw next time OwO

~signed YouwuMateMuwph :3

o7 A Farewell to Arms o7

Eat shit and live Damien…..

“I was in a butcher shop once and a pig’s head told me that God and the Devil killed each other a long time ago” -Evan Kelmp

+rep : ) Nov. 02 2021 - June 5th 2022

what in the god damn

Not a scar on his back...
Please dont
Kaptain Les
PH Co-Owner
Discord Admin
DR Player (RIP)
Murder Hater
UwU, I weawized I'm an awcoholic dummy this 4th of July :(

I named a wittle bug aftew Hong, it's the gayest I've done in the wast 2 days. but the bug has also abandoned me :(

I hope evewyone else's fouwth of July went bettew than mine. UwU ????

o7 A Farewell to Arms o7

Eat shit and live Damien…..

“I was in a butcher shop once and a pig’s head told me that God and the Devil killed each other a long time ago” -Evan Kelmp

+rep : ) Nov. 02 2021 - June 5th 2022

what in the god damn

Not a scar on his back...
basement flooded, lost some sentimental things but overall could've been way worse.

decided to go vegan for a day... grass doesnt taste too bad but I think i could get some better nutrients if i ate different green things. but i do not like greeen so i think i give upd.

thank you for reading cya next time.

o7 A Farewell to Arms o7

Eat shit and live Damien…..

“I was in a butcher shop once and a pig’s head told me that God and the Devil killed each other a long time ago” -Evan Kelmp

+rep : ) Nov. 02 2021 - June 5th 2022

what in the god damn

Not a scar on his back...
Try eating the dead grass on the side of the highway next time I promise it tastes better
almots forget about this. gotta kep up better huh.

overal Ive had a pretty good wekk.  :D

my life be a movie  ;) 

curenlty its rainig a bit but not as mcuh that is impacting some of my friedns  Sleepy

fonud baby gekco. no tail.  Huh

o7 A Farewell to Arms o7

Eat shit and live Damien…..

“I was in a butcher shop once and a pig’s head told me that God and the Devil killed each other a long time ago” -Evan Kelmp

+rep : ) Nov. 02 2021 - June 5th 2022

what in the god damn

Not a scar on his back...
I hope yours not alives anymore!
fallout new vegas collector's pack on ebay. gotta stay up for a feew hours if I wanna see this outu. me want baad.

o7 A Farewell to Arms o7

Eat shit and live Damien…..

“I was in a butcher shop once and a pig’s head told me that God and the Devil killed each other a long time ago” -Evan Kelmp

+rep : ) Nov. 02 2021 - June 5th 2022

what in the god damn

Not a scar on his back...
i lost that bid but I bought one fore cheeper. I have some really nice fallout new vegas collectables now. very happy

got less wise. bye bye wisdom teef

@"chaos" has been really mean to me as well as some other people like @Quantum_Edge and @reina . makes me wannta cry most nights but i cant.

won dey somfing hear while be serous and no won while no.

o7 A Farewell to Arms o7

Eat shit and live Damien…..

“I was in a butcher shop once and a pig’s head told me that God and the Devil killed each other a long time ago” -Evan Kelmp

+rep : ) Nov. 02 2021 - June 5th 2022

what in the god damn

Not a scar on his back...
Murph’s POV be like:

Day 8,760 -
Still no bitches. The days grow longer, my sorrow grows deeper. Is there light at the end of this tunnel? Perhaps. Ever since I began my vegan diet, my estrogen levels have sky rocketed.
[Image: xdjlve.png]

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