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Papa Milo unban request - This was not me
Forum/Steam Name: Papa Milo

SteamID: STAM_0:1:160186012

Who Banned You (Staff Member or System):I think it was laced but i dont know because I didnt do this please look at my appeal

Reason For Ban: Using alts after being warned not to

Length of Ban: Perma

Reason for Admins to Unban: I know that this sounds cleshay but that Olim88411 person and thedoctordinkleberg person was not me. I did have the olim papa account and used it to say +1 to my post and said for the reason because it was my alt account and put in parentheses that it was a joke. However after seeing Tiefling lesbians reaction of a -1 I realized that I probably shouldn’t do that and deleted the post (this was a few days ago not yesterday evening). I have no idea who made these accounts but there not mine. Check the Ip on them because I did not make them. Even how they typed and reacted was not like how I did they deflected all the criticism people had for me while I accepted it and welcomed it because it would help me grow. I have no idea who did this but it is disgusting to do and I hope that if you find out who did it that you can permanently ban them. You can ask game about how I responded when he told me the news on discord I was genuinely confused about what he was talking about.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Not on the fourms and i was banned 5 years ago


I don’t know why someone would do this and it doesn’t make sense that if I did make these new alts WHICH I DID NOT that after they got banned and I was told that If I made another that my main account would be banned why would a make another to apologize. Someone didn’t like me so they did this to smear me, and quite frankly I am confused and annoyed. If there is anyway for you to look to see that these accounts were not posted at the same place like by IP address please do so because this was not me. Thank you

If there is anything I can do to help to prove that this was not me please let me know.
You pulled up on your own app with 3-4 alts?  That takes balls my guy.  And it also gets you banned lol

This happened under 24 hours from me posting this so don't actually expect to be unbanned for the severity of using alts to post in your own apps.
I think the worst part of this is that I know so many people have done this in the past that i'm probably not going to be believed when i say that it wasn't me. But it wasn't

(06-10-2023, 07:31 AM)Wilfry Wrote: You pulled up on your own app with 3-4 alts?  That takes balls my guy.  And it also gets you banned lol

This happened under 24 hours from me posting this so don't actually expect to be unbanned for the severity of using alts to post in your own apps.
I did not do this though, thats what im saying I know not to do that.

I have my discord conversation with gabe where he told me that i was banned and I was confused and said that these alts were not mine but i dont know if that would even help to show there not mine. I guess that they show that I didnt know that there were alts made but i dont know if thats evidence
certified bozo
i made a thing
i made another thing
i made a new thing

former ttt mod
former dr admin
Staff 2017-2023
(06-10-2023, 08:08 AM)dero Wrote: certified bozo
I would be if I was the one who did it but it wasn’t me, please check because it was not me
Heya! I was indeed the person who banned you.

I'll try and explain how I arrived at the conclusion that these were your alt accounts.

(06-10-2023, 07:04 AM)Papa Milo Wrote: I did have the olim papa account and used it to say +1 to my post and said for the reason because it was my alt account and put in parentheses that it was a joke. However after seeing Tiefling lesbians reaction of a -1 I realized that I probably shouldn’t do that and deleted the post (this was a few days ago not yesterday evening). I have no idea who made these accounts but there not mine. Check the Ip on them because I did not make them. Even how they typed and reacted was not like how I did

Doesn't make much difference, but the post was deleted at 12:34 yesterday, not a few days ago. I'll chalk that up to you not remembering correctly, since it does seem pretty insignificant in this situation.

Well, since I can't compare IPs, I had Gabe do it. You're correct that the IPs don't match your account, but we can, at least, positively link the 3 alts together. olim8841 and imsorrydinklebergs have logged in from the same IP, and an IP used on thedoctordinkleberg matches another one that was used on olim8841. It's clear that a VPN was used on those accounts, and it's very, very likely that it was the same person using these accounts. Knowing this, we should ask ourselves, who would want to make alt accounts just to get you banned? We'll get into this soon.

Oh, and I think it's also beneficial to point out that you've been using a VPN too. The IPs change in between a few of your posts on that thread, right before alts started popping up, actually. This isn't to say that I think they're your alts because you're using a VPN, but the coincidence of that combined with everything else is a little too much for me.

I disagree when you say that the way they typed and reacted weren't like you did.[Image: milo_1_two.png][Image: milo_1.png]
Nearly verbatim. 

Going back to "who would want to do this?" I would wager to say there isn't anybody here who has such a strong hatred for you that they would create 3 alt accounts to try and get you in trouble. Sure, there's probably people that you don't get along with, but it wouldn't make sense for anyone to do something like this, especially the way it was done. Why create 3 accounts, two to mindlessly support your app and lie doing so ("I was on for this incident" despite all of the accounts being made yesterday evening and the names never being used on the server) and one to apologize profusely and say the app can be closed and that you hate this community? 

Personally, I don't think anyone has it out for you so bad that they would plan something like that. I admit that there isn't anything that can 100% prove it was you, but there is enough circumstantial evidence where I feel comfortable saying that it was most likely you that made these accounts. There isn't any evidence to suggest that these accounts were made by someone else in an attempt to get you banned. I realize that this may seem like an "guilty until proven innocent" type of thing, but everything the web staff can see points towards these accounts being yours.

I'll take an even closer look at some point before this unban is decided to make sure I haven't missed anything that could prove that this was someone else's doing.
Thank you laced for the response. I am sure that those 3 fake accounts were made by the same person. And I agree with you on the fact that I can’t think of someone who would have it out for me this bad. But I guess I did rube someone off in the wrong way as that’s what happened. What I find odd with the posts is how they try to endorse myself while deflecting the criticism. As before I wanted criticism so I could grow. I knew that that application was most likely going to be denied when the first two responses I got were negative. So instead I decided to change my goal to see what I was doing wrong to improve myself. I find it odd that these 3 fake accounts all didn’t want to accept any of the criticism that was going my way.

I just realized where they got the old names from it’s one of my first posts I mentioned that my rank was wrong years ago and linked to the game tracker website

Also I was working at my job at dominos when this happened. If you want I could dm you my email of my work schedule if that would help

And  I think I might know why the ip address might have changed it’s because I use my phone and my computer on the form. I don’t know much about how up adresses work but would that effect it

What’s odd to me is the fake account saying that “I hate this community” even when I was a little annoying brat 5 years ago when you perma banned me I freaked out at you because I ‘cared about and was more active within the community than you were’. I do t think that I have ever even remotely hinted at the fact that I hate this community.

I know I’m rambling a lot and posting a lot of stuff, but it’s because I’m trying to find anything that will help you to see the truth that I didn’t do this. Because it’s hard to have to prove a negative. So I’m sorry if I ramble but I’m just trying to find any evidence to help show you that I’m innocent

I also don’t own a vpn. I mean do you want to look at my credit card bills to see that there’s no charge. (I know this sounds sarcastic but I’m being serious what do you need to see from me to help prove that this wasn’t me because it was not)

I want to reiterate that I do t have a vpn I just use my phone and my computer while on this forum this was written on my phone and I’ll write the next part on my computer. I hope that shows that the up address is consistent but I don’t really know how phone up adresses work.

as I just said before this part will be on my computer.

All I ask laced is that whoever looks into this please dont just gloss over this. because I am innocent. I would not be saying the harder fact to prove that im innocent instead of just owning up to my mistakes. These accounts were not mine and im sure if you look into it you will see that i am innocent
You can stop commenting over and over.   Give people time to think and reply or well anything. 

Also just to point out, even if the three accounts aren't your alts, you still would have gotten in a bit of trouble for making a forum account for your known alt.

See the below forum rule. 
(06-10-2023, 09:17 AM)Laced Xanax Wrote: snart
The only person I can think of who might have done it is the guy who got permabanned on TTT yesterday and then threw a tantrum in the discord and got banned there. Weird place for him to target, but the timing lines up I think and he definitely seemed unhinged enough. Not sure if TTT admins/dink would be able to get that player's IP to compare or if it would match, but something to look into maybe.

Also, cleshay
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
(06-10-2023, 10:55 AM)tiefling lesbian Wrote:
(06-10-2023, 09:17 AM)Laced Xanax Wrote: snart

Also, cleshay
i disagree, vasectomypatient is who you're talking about. milo wasn't on at the time and really had nothing to do it, the guy would rather go for me as i shit on his broke boy ass all day. we can sit here and go over who couldve done it blah blah, but there's a more definite way for the web admin to check if it lines up etc. like laced said, idk who would do it but gah damn milo mustve fucked his gf or something

to stay somewhat on topic, if nothing turns up i'd be down for a reduction anyways


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