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My desire to be T-Mod
i’m a little skeptical since if you were to be given tmod powers with karma ban, it wouldn’t be necessarily a HUGE issue nor jump with you dealing with cheaters, BUT with the few reports you’ve had prior to and while you were trusted, you’ve had caught i think 2 - 4 people who were actually cheating compared to other players that were not cheating and just playing regularly. while i don’t really play much and can’t give a full evaluation of how you are currently, the trust to give you karma ban to rid of cheaters is small. i do think you have potential to get to tmod, you just have to work on making sure your evidence is concrete enough to be able to karma ban them.
Only issue here is karma ban access because I feel like you jump the gun on “cheaters” from what I’ve read up on here and looking at past ban requests. Other than that you’re honestly pretty good. I remember awhile ago we had proposed making an actual guide on what to look for with cheaters, but if you’re ever skeptical just ask around.
eh i've changed my mind +1
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
+1 good at scoping out bhopping scripts
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)

Toxic is a great guy and very active.

I think when I joined in he was having some issues with some of the people on the server.

But since then, whenever he is on, usually does a great job at doing what he can with the permissions he has.
Whenever I've joined the server, he has been on and he's always been responsive and helpful in terms of punishment and laying out rules. He does a great job with what he has.

He's also a chill dude, active as hell, and I haven't seen anything out of wack in terms of his permission usage.
you smell like wet diapers, probably
[Image: iKARFc2.png]
???????? ??????
Toxic pretty cool guy, very calm and collected on the server and his handling of situations on the server is very professional +1 would be good perhaps even epic mod
+1. you've shown clear improvement when it comes to the issues people have brought up above, and I do believe you deserve a promotion. you're incredibly active, well-liked within the community, and you do your job well.

however, you do have to work on your aim, it's kinda crazy how much you miss. and also incredibly crazy how much you smell, please take a shower. the entire server is begging you.
i take it back -1 he can't is not responsible enough to handle test mod he does not handle reports ever
[Image: gBkzZod.png]

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