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you'll never guess who's staff app this is
(10-21-2023, 06:47 PM)3mb3ry Wrote: -1 you love to join and ear rape mic spam and the other night you spam kicked someone and threatened to do it for the whole map. I personally think you have become less mature since you were last staff and don't believe you should be staff again. you have joined many times super heated and made the server an unfun environment in the past couple weeks. maybe wait a month and at the very least stop absolutely destroying peoples ears
Hey 3mb3ry thanks for giving criticism! the spam kick thing was with widsquard and I was joking with him since he had kicked me before map change and it made me lose my top player, if he had a problem with me kicking him a few times for a round I would hope he would contact me directly about it but otherwise we're still chill and donor abuse each other pretty often. I don't know about making the server an "unfun" environment or joining heated but most of the time I'm jokingly being heated to people like how I joke with toxic when I call him fat. Micspam and earrape is inexcusable since I did do that a few times and have stopped for the most part, others do it too a lot of the time and I don't see anyone really complaining about them so I thought it would be okay to do it those times. Hopefully I can change your mind if I do become staff and show that I am mature and responsible enough for the role.
I mean i was on every single time Damien "mic spammed" so I am somewhat at fault for not catching it if he crossed the line. (also you can just tab adjust his mic volume before he does anything, it's what i do to annoying people.)
[Image: Squidward.webp?ex=6546f400&is=65347f00&h...b3167d7f&=]
[Image: BbGd4LU.jpeg]
I know your heart is in the right place, but I don't think your attitude is something that would benefit the server's staff. Going back to 3mb3ry's comment, it's far from the first time I've seen you use your donor power to mess with someone. Even acknowledging the fact it was your friend and done in good fun, something like that can get very out of hand very fast. I have fun playing with you most times, but I'm not sure you'd benefit the server as Trusted right now. In my own personal opinion, that is.
(10-21-2023, 10:33 PM)Goat Punter Wrote: -1
I know your heart is in the right place, but I don't think your attitude is something that would benefit the server's staff. Going back to 3mb3ry's comment, it's far from the first time I've seen you use your donor power to mess with someone. Even acknowledging the fact it was your friend and done in good fun, something like that can get very out of hand very fast. I have fun playing with you most times, but I'm not sure you'd benefit the server as Trusted right now. In my own personal opinion, that is.
using your donor powers to mess with your friends isn't donor abuse and is allowed, unless there's a rule change or an admin tells me to I'm not gonna stop. I feel like I've kept a good rapport with most of the players on the server and feel like my attitude is just fine. Thank you for your comment.
(10-21-2023, 01:21 AM)bab Wrote: damien?? more like... +1ien... :)

I would like to add to this as I've had more time to think -

I don't believe Damien lacks in maturity, however I do agree that there are some things that need to be cut back (i.e., the loud mic spam, and the heated 'arguing'. even as a joke, it comes off as a bit much sometimes and definitely can and does make some people uncomfortable. I would absolutely recommend toning it down a bit. I also don't personally think that the joking around donor 'abuse' is that much of an issue, as long as both parties are okay with it, and it isn't interfering with any actual gameplay).

Damien has a good rapport with most of the community, knows the rules, is incredibly active in all parts of the TTT community (discord, server, and forums), and has been staff plenty of times. Judging by previous applications and general comments made about his time as a staff member, he seems to have done a pretty good job at it as well.

I genuinely think that he would easily jell with the staff team again, and that he should be given that extra shot at it. :)
messing with your friends =! donor abuse just so everyone knows
(10-22-2023, 12:33 AM)bab Wrote: I don't believe Damien lacks in maturity, however I do agree that there are some things that need to be cut back (i.e., the loud mic spam, and the heated 'arguing'. even as a joke, it comes off as a bit much sometimes and definitely can and does make some people uncomfortable. I would absolutely recommend toning it down a bit.

That's a fair stance on the subject, I guess if it's that much of an issue then I can tone it down. I try to make it as hacky sounding as possible but I guess it can come across as off putting.
-1 stop ruining the fun for yourself by applying for staff every time you start having fun again

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