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JJK Chap 221
I agree with points on both sides here. What you said was genuinely fucked up, but it shouldn't bar you from staff for life. From my perspective, what you said seemed to be of the spur of the moment, from what became an emotional thread.

Similarly to how some players have gotten staff after years of trolling, bans, ect..., you should have the oppurtunity to get staff at some point. As long as you prove you are genuine in your apology and wanting to improve the server, I see no issue. People can change and I've supported someone like Rand getting staff back even with all the alts, forum bans, and situation with Travis. Not only because he's my friend, but it does seem he has grown a lot since those incidents. It'd be hypocritical for me to support that, and not this case.

However, my main concern is what Foxka said, you should simply give it more time. It has been years, and 3 weeks is way too soon. if this thread like other staff apps is up for months, my vote may change, but for now -1.
former admin2

  • Yeah, so on the real the stuff that happened a year and some change ago was fucked, at the time he didn't realize the gravity of what he was saying and once he did finally put it together he had no way of really apologizing for the longest time (due to being blocked) until he finally reached out to a second-party in order to gain access to the blocker's DMs. From what I witnessed, he reached out as genuinely as he could and apologized to all parties that may (or may not have) been affected by the comment. In my personal opinion, there was no ulterior motive behind the apologies, especially considering he was talking about this stuff way before he applied to me personally as well as apologizing just to get staff on a gmod server is kinda a 4head move.

  • Secondly, I do not believe that what he did one and a half years ago in any way bars him from being staff on the server, I mean, at the end of the day it's just Trusted.

end of the day +1 to jack getting staff again, he has shown not only interest but as well as a want to help the community again

(01-17-2024, 02:20 AM)lacer Wrote: After your last stint of being in a toxic clique
oh and btw whatchu mean by toxic clique, I'd like you to elaborate
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Honestly i couldn't care less about the squabbling between two factions of dinks - enemies can exist within teams, and I hope yall can learn how to make apologies and move on like the adults that pretty much everyone involved are. If this can't be achieved then there's no point in trying this.

I think that Laced has good points about what he went thru with Jack, and he has no obligation to throw his support due to that - but there is more to any story than what the headlines say, and I will say that we have staff who have done worse and come back. I think genuine points can be brought forth about a situation without having to straw man one's character - something that would have served well a year ago.

I will say that of the two factions, while I didn't take a side per say nor did I partake in any of the situations, I hang around the Dong/Jack group slightly more than the Laced group, but I feel I get along well with both sides. I am aware of this, but am trying to avoid bias - something I believe I've done well over time.

I've been away for long enough now that I don't care about what happens here. That being said, folks grow up over time, and Jack is one of the very few Dinks folks I've kept up with socially over time, 99% of which via fantasy football. I've seen nothing poor behavior wise from Jack over the past year other than really shitty football takes.

Due to a preponderance of all facts, including admin-only information that I will decline to share here from my time as admin, I believe the situation shouldn't be blocking Jack's entry onto the staff team. If any apologies need to be made, make them and move on.

Sounds like you may need a bit more time to settle in with how the servers are run today but given poor Chibill having to singlehandedly maintain the TTT community I think that's something that can pass over time with the community. For a Trusted position, I see no reason other than lack of familiarity with the TTT operations today - something that can be achieved with regular playtime over the course of this application's review period - and as such I will support Jack's addition to the team for Trusted.
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(01-17-2024, 03:19 PM)Jammin Wrote:  I've seen nothing poor behavior wise from Jack over the past year other than really shitty football takes.
My takes are based and you know it.
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Future owner  :D
i agree that your words alone shouldn't permanently bar you from becoming staff, but i still find it concerning that you were willing to publicly weaponize another community member's trauma during a forum argument. i think you should take more time to show the members who still mistrust you that you're no longer in a place mentally where you're willing to resort to that kind of behavior.
That “mistrust” will never resolve itself though. That was just the final nail in a coffin that’s been sealed for years prior.

Having your fate held in the hands of a tiny group of people who will always hate you is a bit ridiculous. He’s essentially being held on a leash by people who he’s tried to make amends with and they very clearly declined. Judging by previous apps this should be open for a hot minute, so that will be plenty of time for people with no bias to see him as he is now.
(01-17-2024, 03:45 PM)dong Wrote: That “mistrust” will never resolve itself though. That was just the final nail in a coffin that’s been sealed for years prior.

Having your fate held in the hands of a tiny group of people who will always hate you is a bit ridiculous. He’s essentially being held on a leash by people who he’s tried to make amends with and they very clearly declined. Judging by previous apps this should be open for a hot minute, so that will be plenty of time for people with no bias to see him as he is now.

I never said to "resolve the mistrust", i said to be here for more than a few weeks to demonstrate a better attitude. Also, it's very bold of you to assume that no one in the group of people affected by that situation has made amends with him or seen a difference in his behavior.
As a person who is still being ousted for actions I took...what, from two to three years ago? (like srsly guys ive been on a good streak for awhile guys......), I can sympathize. That being said, I know your purpose was because apps are being open longer, but really currently you don't fit the month of activity, and good faith behind the requirements is posting up once you have that activity, not just knowing you will have it by the time it's closed. Same reason you don't post your promotion app a week before the month is up. Plus, for you specifically, that's really just a good way to show that you're actually turning a new leaf or whatever (hate when people use that phrase) and not just holding a front and whatnot. Should wait until the next time around, honestly. A good 6 to 8 weeks of being all community oriented and whatnot.

As for what you did. It was shitty. We know. And the fact that you've been mostly gone form the community until recently doesn't tell us anything of how you actually currently feel about it, or how you've grown from it. It has a bad look, and is something many people here can relate to Laced on, I'd imagine. It's G-Mod, yknow. So you'll have to appear extra good to counteract that, as that's still the last thing many people will think of when they think of you.

Lastly and please just ignore this if you're not dong, the dong being kind of an idiot bit. No one is sitting here saying "hey laced if you don't want him to be staff he won't be staff" lmao. He's allowed to vent out his frustrations on Jack getting it, same as anyone. People agreeing thinking it's too fucked up happens too, but that's not laced holding a leash, that's just public image. There's not some hivemind whatever that you think is going on all the time, and never really was, just some people doing the same thing that you're doing here. Which hasn't really happened here as laced is the only one in that group that's really harped on that point much. The mistrust does resolve over time. Reina isn't saying wait for laced and damien to like you guys bro, she's just saying "hey, that was fucked up, maybe give it a bit so people can see you do things other than something shitty" like it's really not that deep. Please take a chill pill over your weird hivemind stuff. No one really cares about it anymore, the only care anyone ever had was when people kept shittalking people's friends right in front of them. Love you tho (real)

Ultimately, don't really care a plus or minus, I suppose I'd have to say -1 just in the playtime thing, but this was more just words of advice.

To everyone else, maaaaybe letting people be staff again after they've had their shit together for a long period of time isn't that bad of a thing c:
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
You seem perfectly fine from an outside perspective being that I haven’t previously interacted with you until recently but the history being brought up is a little worrisome so I will remain at a +0 for the time being
(01-17-2024, 02:20 AM)lacer Wrote: After your last stint of being in a toxic clique, publicly victim blaming me for being groomed, being banned for it, doubling down on it, apologizing a year later and then making a staff app shortly after, I don't think you should ever be staff again.
this is classic coming from u 

If Jack wants to help the community I see no reason in baring him. Certain people here love to fling shit around and make people act like awful people that seem to break every rule in the book, yet aside from harsh words that was seen in regard to someone being hypocritical I don't see a reason why someone should be barred from being staff (who hasn't broken any rules???)
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